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Sparks Of Deception Page 9
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Page 9
Sliding into a chair at the outside table, I grunted when Carter sat his tray down. “Dang, man, you act as if you have never eaten before.” He had two barbeque sandwiches, a slice of pizza and a big cup of vinegar and salt covered fries. I laughed as he looked around.
“Shut it, I’m a growing boy,” he said, scowling at me. Or trying to at least. I caught the corner of his mouth curving up.
“That’s not it. You’re just a pig,” I laughed as I unwrapped my sandwich. The smell of Nettie’s brisket made my mouth water. Nettie was the barbeque lady in Burke. Her little diner was open on the weekends and it was always packed. But during the week her ladies were here supplying the school with edible food. Not that half watered down “school lunch” crap they called food. My eyes closed as I took a bite of my food. I was in heaven. The meat and bun melted in your mouth. That’s how ya know it’s good.
“We still going to the movies this weekend? D hasn’t mentioned it again,” Carter asked, his head tilted to the side as he shoved, yes shoved, a handful of fries in his mouth. I choked out a laugh as I tried to swallow the water I had just put in my mouth.
“Yes. Jesus, Cart. You’re eating like a starved caveman. You have manners, use them,” I said, my lip curling up in disgust at him.
“Shove it,” he said before shoving his mouth full of fries again.
“I hope you choke…” I laughed as he threw a fry at me. I ducked away from it and pulled my sandwich back to me, taking a good sized bite. After a few bites I opened my math book and glared at the test from yesterday. I still wasn’t sure what I’d ever need Algebra for, but it was kicking my butt.
Once lunch was over Cart and I walked over to the library and checked in with the teacher at the door for our study hall. I immediately moved over to the tables and pulled my math test back out. I studied it for a moment and looked up when Cart pulled it from me. “Whoa, dude, you got a sixty?”
“Ugh, shut up. Mama is gonna kill me. I just don’t understand this crapola. I’m so confused. I tried, I really did,” I said, remembering to keep my voice down low.
The librarian was a little gray haired older lady, who walked with a cane. But if you got loud, she wouldn’t think twice about tossing you out of here. I laid my head over on my arm and tried to push the worry about this test to the back of my mind. Who needed to know what “a” was equal to. I sat back up and pulled my math book closer. I was not failing a class. Not happening. No matter how much studying I had to do.
Two Days Later
Today had started out good, but, all good things must come to an end.
“Quiet! Line up, Now! Seems no one is in the right frame of mind to follow simple directions. Have you all reverted back to being toddlers? Want someone to pat you on the head and say nice try? Not happening here. I left someone in charge of the class so I could attend a meeting in the principal's office and what do I come back to? You acting like a bunch of untrained monkeys on a sugar high. Minus Miss McKenna and Mr. Malone. They at least had enough sense to do as they were asked, albeit a lot slower than I wanted.”
“So… here’s the deal. You will all stay after class all week for detention. My kind of detention. There is no exceptions to this. It’s not a request, so don’t start with your booing and whooing. Now, I want four rotations of thirty. Jumping jacks, squats, push ups. Let’s go people, push it. Now.”
I sighed to myself as I started doing my jumping jacks. Mr. Evans, the creepy teacher from last year, was a hard ass, as Derek would say. A week's detention ‘cause no one listened to Kristy’ was crap. But who was I to complain? Oh yeah, I was one of the ones actually trying to do what he wanted. Grumbling, I moved to line up and start working through the routine he detailed. The day could not end fast enough.
By the time class and detention was over my entire body hurt to the point where I was in tears. I'd had a hard time catching my breath for the last hour, and I was seriously going to be sick. I didn't bother changing since this was the last class of the day. I hurried to grab my bag and Carter and I headed out to the parking lot. When I saw Derek I smiled. My aches seemed to get better when he tugged me to him and gave me a bear hug.
“Anyone ready for pizza?” His words went straight to my stomach. With a loud growl it spoke for us. I chuckled, as did the boys, and we piled up into Derek's Jeep.
Time spent with him and Carter was the best part of my days. There were no teachers, other students or homework to flood my mind with crap. I could unwind and relax. This Friday was the Halloween Party at the school, since Halloween was on a Sunday, of all days. The three of us had decided to stay with the kiddies while the adults all went to a big award dinner and dance. Even old people need to have fun. I was looking forward to it.
Robbie, my sister Anna’s little boy, was almost two now and a lot of fun to be around. He and I would veg out until the boys came over. Then once the kiddies were asleep, it was horror movie madness. It was a tradition we three had kept since we were about ten. Or at least since I was ten. Horror movies were the spice of life. Nothing says Halloween like a Michael Myers Marathon. Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween IV and Halloween V. Then, Halloween H20 and Halloween Resurrection because they complete the cycle of awesomeness. If any movie represents Halloween and the spook factor it's them. But, that being said you can skip Halloween III cause it sucks monkey balls and has absolutely nothing to do with Michael Myers. And, it's just kind of stupid.
My mind has wandered so much this afternoon that it's not until Derek takes my hand and helps me down from the Jeep that I realize I'm home and uber tired. Making a face I kiss his jaw at my door and grin when he kisses my nose.
“You sure you're okay, butterfly? You look exhausted,” he said, his brow creasing into a frown.
“Just tired. Two hours of working out like I was an Army recruit has killed my energy. But, I'm okay, really.” I smiled again as I kissed the corner of his mouth.
“Okay, call me before bed?” He questioned, like he didn't already know the answer.
“Of course. Speak to you then.” I hugged him and went inside before Mama came to the door and scared him off. I moved inside and up the stairs to my room. I quickly stripped and went straight into the bathroom for a nice long, hot shower. I knew Mama would want a run down on my day while I did my homework. I needed to unwind some before I could face her and the never ending list of questions she seemed to have. It was like I was living with the FBI and I was a suspect in a major crime.
“Mama, how am I supposed to understand this crap? Math isn't my thing! Why do I have to take it?” I pointed to the book before me and once again erased the answer I had on my paper because it wasn't right. Mama just gave me that look and I grumbled.
“Alana, you have to try harder. Read the first page of the chapter where it explains it and then try again. No one can do it the first time.”
I rolled my eyes and flipped back to the page where the work for this chapter was outlined. Again, I needed this why? I let out a long sigh as I read. I wrote the sample problem out and followed the steps, writing each one out as I went. It made no sense how they came up with what the ‘x’ was mean to be. Maybe this was the trick. They make you believe it’s a possible answer, but it’s probable you won’t be able to figure it out. It’s a conspiracy. I grunted as I looked at the page in my notebook again and erased the mistake I had just made. “Oh come on, dangit!”
“Alana Christine. You best mind your manners young lady,” Mama snapped as she once again gave me that look. I hated that look.
I cowered down, getting closer to my book and grumbling to myself. She was a lot crankier lately. Ever since the camping trip and its disastrous end... it’s like I have no room to breathe on my own. I guess the news cameras and reporters that swamped the town for a week didn’t help. We all talked to them, giving our account of what it was like. I mean, it was nothing to be ashamed of, but Mama hit the roof when she saw my face on the TV.
Like, a serious adult type temper tantrum
happened. Now, I have no peace. She is seriously making me mental. More so than she normally does. I swear she’d lock me in the closet under the stairs if she could. I’d be the next Harry Potter. Well, okay, it’d be more like Henrietta Potter, but still.
“Peanut, Kelly, how are my girls?” Daddy asked as he came in. I gave him a big grin and jumped up to hug his neck. The same thing I had done since I was little. He’d been spending some time down at the station lately so he was not always home when I was. I missed him. Plus when he was here Mama didn’t act like her Happy Meal was missing a few nuggets. Daddy balances out her crazy. I’d never tell her that, though. That would get me a swat on the ass. No thank you. I like my ass just the way it is.
“Dinner's almost ready. Go wash up. Lana, set the table please. You can finish your homework after you eat.”
“Yes Mama,” I said, giving Daddy a push towards the door. If he didn’t follow her orders he’d be in the dog house too. I had it all to myself right now. I was comfortable with that.
Halloween Party
Halloween weekend was finally here! Tonight started a marathon of spooky stuff for the next four days. Four whole days of hiding under sheets and sleeping with the closet light on, but I couldn’t wait. As soon as school was over we were heading over to Anna’s so she could do my hair. We had agreed to take the kids to the school party since it was for all ages. They had games and booths set up for the little kids and the older ones as well. There would be as many adults as kids. I think the entire town had decided to descend upon the event.
I’d be spending the night with Anna and Trevor, because Mama and Daddy were going to stay over in Houston after the awards dinner. Thank God. The woman was getting on my last nerve. I truly hated to say that, but she was. I think she is having bipolar issues or going through menopause, or both. Gah.
“Lana! Lana! Wait up!” I turned to see Carter running full out across the school yard and I snorted at the look on his face.
“What, dude?” I asked, my brow raised.
“Why’d ya run off like that? Dang, I was getting my book out of my locker,” he panted out. I patted his shoulder and grinned.
“I have a date with a little sailor and then Michael Myers, walk faster.”
“You’re such a brat,” he says laughing. I shove him with my free hand and laugh out as he pokes my side. We are still laughing when we make it to the parking lot where Derek is leaned up against his Jeep. I run to him and jump up in his arms. I press a soft kiss to his lips.
“Well, hello, beautiful. Have a good day?” he asks as he moves to help me sit in the front seat.
“It’s not your face she is excited to see,” Carter says, still laughing as he hops up in the back of the Jeep. I roll my eyes at him but give Derek my sweetest smile.
“Don’t listen to him. I am always happy to see you.. But I kinda have a date with a little man.. And then Michael Myers. So….” I make a hurry up gesture with my hand. He lets his head fall back and laughs before moving around to hop up in the Jeep.
“You know, you can watch those movies anytime, right? There is no law against such a thing.”
“Duh, but they’re better to watch this month.” I give him a look as he raises a brow.
“Why’s that?”
“I dunno, Halloween just makes it better! Scarier, I guess. Now, hurry your tush. I have to get ready.”
“Yes ma’am,” he smiles as he shakes his head at me. They both know how I am about Halloween. I almost like it more than Christmas - almost. With Christmas, not only do I get to watch special movies, but I get presents as well. So, maybe they aren’t quite as even.
“Robbie, you look so cute!” I squealed as I picked up my little sailor. He was absolutely precious in his little outfit. Anna and Trevor were going out for some alone time. I think it’s cute that they still have date nights. And, dude, really, what better night to go out?
I spun us in a circle, making Robbie giggle which makes me grin more. I always wanted a baby sister or brother, but Mama said it wasn’t possible. Why, I wasn’t sure, but now that I had Robbie, and the other kiddies I was happy. Tyler is my toughest competition for Derek’s time, but she is such a sweetheart that it doesn’t even bother me.
“Lana, don’t forget his bag, it’s by the door.” Anna said from the other room. I moved over to it making sure everything was in it. Just in case. This kid liked to poop bomb ya a lot.
“Got it!” I pulled the bag to the couch and sat down. I slid my phone into my hidden pocket on my dress and adjusted the strands of yarn Anna had braided into the top of my head. I was going as Raggedy Ann and Derek was going as Andy. It was a great costume and we both would have kids with us so there was no going as something freaky or gross. That would scare the babies.
There was a knock on the door then a chorus of “open ups now” and “La La, I haves to pee, open the door” that filled the foyer as I laughed. I pulled the door open and both Derek and Carter already looked worn out. I took Tyler’s hand after handing Robbie to Carter and helped her to the bathroom. Each one of the kiddies looked so cute in their costumes.
Tyler, who was almost five now, was a princess dressed in red with a big fluffy tutu. Elijah, who was almost a year old, was a little marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. Both Taylor and Ryan were dressed in Western wear. Taylor, who was six, had his guns, cowboy hat and boots on, and Ryan, who was two and a half, had on a little red and gingham skirt with little red boots. So adding Robbie, who was a few months from turning two to the mix we had our hands full. It would only get worse when Dani Lynn and Kristol had the next two. They were both due right around Christmas. It should be a fun time.
After getting the kids settled as to who was holding who’s hand and who was going in strollers we headed out. We were armed with diaper bags, sippy cups and little plastic pumpkins to collect goodies in. There are going to be a lot of cuties there tonight, and I only prayed we didn’t lose anyone. We were out numbered after all.
Two hours in this place has made me wish we had just stayed home. It’s so loud, and hotter than hell in here. But, the kiddies are having so much fun. Both Robbie and Elijah have crashed in the stroller. How they slept through all of this noise I will never know. I scanned the room and looked behind me. I had noticed earlier some man was watching us. I don’t know who he is, but then he could have been a parent or some nosy person trying to figure out if we teenagers had kids. That has happened to us a few times.
My eyes moved back over to the kids. Tyler and Taylor were dancing Ryan around the apple bobbing booth to see who would get the next apple. The cafeteria ladies had come up with the game for the smaller kids. Instead of water and real apples, they had a big bucket with orange plastic eggs that were painted to look like pumpkins. Each egg/apple either had candy, a small toy or fifty cents and jelly beans in it. They were in heaven. There were a few other kids enamored with that game as well. I think the adults were having as much fun as the kids.
It’s sweet, and I have to say, minus the headache I’m getting, I am having a great time with them. Carter and Derek were lost in the crowd when they went to get something to eat because they were always hungry. I look between the two sleeping babies and the other kids again, but as I looked around I saw the man watching me again. I shifted and tried to look away, but my eyes kept coming back to him. Something about him looked familiar, but that didn’t mean much. Everyone looked like someone. It was all in your head most of the time.
When Derek and Carter came back with three big plates of food we rounded up the little ones and sat them with us so we could eat.
“Tooookies!!!!” Ryan’s loud voice went right into my ear. I snorted as I handed her a cheese cracker.
“Here ya go,” I said and watched as she devoured it. I was shaking my head when I once again caught that man watching me. I shifted closer to Derek and Tyler. “Tyler, you want a cookie too?”
“Them crac
kers, not cookies,” she said, handing me a sugar cookie. “This ams a cookie.”
“Well, thank you for clarifying that,” I said, laughing. Ryan took another cracker from the plate. “You want some juice?” She nodded her head and the moment I pulled out her sippy cup she grabbed it with both hands. All three kids were sweaty, red faced and you could see they were tired. I gave the boys a look and they nodded. As soon as we got their bellies full they would be ready to sleep.
An hour later we were walking into Anna’s house. Quietly. All five kids were asleep and heavy. Dear Lord, Ryan only looked little until you had to carry her for three blocks. But I had it easy. Both Derek and Carter had bigger loads to carry and we managed to get the stroller through the streets without waking up either baby.
Looking up at the clock I saw it was only a few minutes until eight. I motioned to the boys and they followed me, stroller and all, to the spare room I used when I stayed over. It was the only room on the bottom floor. Originally, it was a master suite, but Anna and Trevor didn’t like being down here. They remodeled the big room upstairs for them before Robbie was born. We got the kids settled in the big king sized bed, with pillows on the outsides and them lined up in the middle, safe and passed out. Hopefully they would sleep for a good bit. If not, when Derek went to take them home they’d all wake up and that was not a good thing. If one cried, they all cried. Ever had four toddlers all crying at once? Wicked cruel, my friends.
We all used the bathroom to change and get out of the makeup covering our faces. Poor Carter was a GI Joe, so that green goop Peter had put on him took forever to get off. Mine was off in no time. Derek’s was too since he refused to wear more than the red circles on his cheeks. Men. I flopped down on the couch in my pj’s and settled back. I was flipping through the movie channels and stopped when I came across Friday the 13th. He was no Michael Myers, but a little bit of Jason Vorhees was a good start to the weekend’s movie fest.