Sparks Of Deception Read online

Page 10

  After a movie, a few glasses of water, and some candy and cookies we brought back with us I was beat. My eyes were wanting to close and when Derek saw it he said it was time to go. I helped them get the kids into their strollers and waved as Derek and Cart set off for Drew and Dani Lynn’s house. Jackson and Kris would pick the kids up from there tomorrow when they all returned home from their night in Houston. Guess everyone needs a night without kids. After tonight.. I can see why.

  Derek would be back over here in the afternoon so we could go have lunch, then Carter would join us at the movie theatre. We had it all planned for a Saturday where it was just us. There was no class on Monday due to a teacher’s work day so Sunday would start our all night movie marathon, after the kiddies went trick or treating. At least we didn’t have to dress up for that. Just the littles. They’d be wearing their costumes from Friday and I knew they’d be a hit in the town square, which was where we did the trick or treating. Safety was first. Plus it was lighted, there were plenty of people around and no one had to worry about crossing streets and ringing a strangers bells.

  I loved this time of year. As I crawled into bed beside Robby I smiled and snuggled the little monster to me. Once my eyes closed, I was out like a light.


  Are You Scared Yet?


  It’s Halloween! God, it seemed to take forever for this day to get here. I had the popcorn popped, my bowl of skittles (minus the grape one.. ick!) ready and a few cans of soda on ice by the coffee table. Does that make me lazy.. Erm, maybe but I hate getting up while a movie is on. Doesn’t matter that the kitchen was like ten foot away, that was too far.

  Mama and Daddy had gone to a party at the country club so I was home alone. Well, Robbie was in my bed asleep. He had been running a fever all day so we were skipping the trick or treating which meant I was getting an early start at watching my Halloween Movie Marathon. Each DVD was ready to go, so I slid back into the couch and pressed play.

  It was now dark outside and I was curled up under a blanket, my eyes glued to the TV. I had made it to Halloween IV before Robbie woke up. I gave him some Tylenol with a sippy cup of juice and he was eating his oatmeal with peaches in it now. I had paused the movie, not wanting to be distracted. Plus, I wasn’t sure how Robbie would react to the loud music and people screaming, cause let’s face it, that’s what a good horror movie is all about. When the doorbell rang I jumped.

  “Crap. Be right back, buddy,” I said as I gave him another bite of his oatmeal. I used the peep hole and picked up the pepper spray Mama kept by the door and opened the door slightly. I pulled it open more when I saw it was Oscar, the delivery guy for Toni’s Pizzeria.

  “Hi, Lana, got your order. Two, extra large, double meat and pineapple,” he said, smiling as he handed the big boxes over. God, I loved the smell of pizza.

  “Thank you. I’m starving. Keep the change, okay?” I said, smiling up at him. He was a nice guy and I was thankful he always delivered here. I never got the weird pizza dudes. Not like others had.

  “Lana, that’s a twenty dollar tip, I can’t take that from you.”

  “Sure ya can. Mama and Derek left pizza money so, it’s yours. You did come out after normal hours. And, it’s Halloween, so you had to fight the ghouls to get here.”

  “All right, you have a good night,” he said, chuckling as he shook his head. “Tell your parents I said hi,” he called out as he walked down the drive.

  “I will, be safe out there. Don’t let the ghouls get ya!” I laughed as he did and I shut the door. After locking it I made my way back to Robbie, who was getting fussy.

  “I’m sorry, buddy. Here ya go.” I gave him another bite and kissed his head. He didn’t feel as hot as he had earlier, thank goodness. I hated that he wasn’t feeling good. I dropped the boxes of pizza on the kitchen table and flipped the top box open. My stomach cut a flip and I took a huge bite of pizza. By the time Robbie was done with his dinner I had two big slices in my belly. I was full to say the least. I scooped Robbie up, got his face and hands cleaned up and moved us to the couch. Maybe he would be okay with the movie if I turned it down some.

  My eyes were glued to the TV, not wanting to miss a second of the action - even though, I knew the dang thing by heart. As the pitchfork went through the blonde kid’s back the doorbell rang. I jumped, a little shriek falling from my lips. Robbie stirred and started to cry. Crap. I scooped him up and rocked him slightly. There was a bang on the back door and I froze. What in the hell was that? The doorbell rang again and I chewed on my bottom lip.

  Robbie’s cries became louder so I ignored the door and the noises for a moment to settle him down.

  “Shh, buddy. It’s okay, I got ya,” I said softly, kissing his cheek.

  The banging stopped, as did the ringing of the bell, but I crept to the front door. I wanted to look out of the peephole but.. seriously, someone could stab me through it. I’d seen that on a movie before, so instead I used the little window by the door. Nothing. No one was out there. I was still rockin’ Robbie as I stepped back. I moved to the back door to see what the banging was there. I again peeked out the window by the kitchen table and saw nothing.

  After a few minutes of making sure doors were locked, windows too, I moved back to the bedroom to lay Robbie in my bed. He went back to sleep quickly and I slipped back out to the living room to finish my movie. As the credits rolled I got up and switched out the DVD’s. I'd made it through Halloween IV, finally and was starting Halloween V. I was super excited cause up next was Halloween H20. Twenty years later, and Michael is still pissed off at everyone. There was a loud bang from outside. I dropped the empty DVD case and clamped a hand over my mouth so I didn't scream. My heart thundered in my chest as I tiptoed to the door and peeked out the window. The porch light was out. I flipped the switch and nothing. I frowned and chewed on my bottom lip. Maybe the bulb had blown. It was nothing, right?

  I moved to close the blinds and caught something out the corner of my eye. When I looked again there was a strange shadow on the side of the fence. I made a face and grabbed my cell phone. I slid my feet into my flip flops, hit Derek's name on my list and waited for him to answer. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the front door. When I stepped out onto the porch there was a loud crunch of glass under my feet. Crap sticks. Mama was gonna be pissed.

  “Butterfly, calling to say ya miss me?” Derek laughed softly as Tyler squealed in the background.

  “Derek, there's- there's been noises and stuff outside. The porch lights busted. Can you come over? This isn't funny any more.” I sounded like a whiny brat but, I was kinda freaking out now.

  “What? When did this happen? Are you okay? Did you call the station? Charlie’s working tonight, so is Gramps,” he said in a rush. I heard him say something to Carter and tell Tyler and Taylor it was time to go. “We’ll be there in five minutes. Are your doors locked?”

  “Um, yeah, sorta.” I gasped as I hit the top step. The shadow moved. The shape of a man filled the darkness and I swear my heart stopped.

  “Lana, what is it?” Derek’s voice was calm but demanding.

  “There- there- there's a shadow. It's moving towards me.” I stuttered.

  “Where are you? Is there someone inside the house?”

  “No… I don't think so.”

  “Woman, where are you?”

  “I'm- Um, on the front porch. He's moving closer!” I shrieked. Derek's angry voice rose as he snapped at Carter to call the station and get them to the house. I wanted to protest but I was frozen. “Alana McKenna, get your little ass back inside and lock the fucking door. Jesus Christ! You know you’re not supposed to go upstairs, downstairs and especially not outside if you hear a fucking noise! Get. Your. Ass. Inside. Now!”

  “He’s moving-”

  “Now, dammit! Move your ass or so help me I will tan your hide when I get there!” He snapped and I slowly backed up towards the door. I slammed the door shut and hurried to lock it.

  “I’m inside…” I ran to check on Robbie. I flipped every light on as I got to them. I didn't want any shadows. My hands were shaking so bad I dropped my cell when I opened the bedroom door. I scrambled to get it, hitting the bedside table and knocked the lamp over. It crashed to the floor and Robbie started awake. His loud wails brought tears to my eyes.

  “Lana! Goddamn son of a bitch!” When I pulled the phone back to my ear Derek was cursing like a crazed sailor. I yelled into the phone.

  “I'm okay! I dropped the phone and knocked a lamp over. It's okay. I'll meet ya at the door,” I said before I hit the disconnect button. I moved to the bed and scooped Robbie up. I made my way from the room and walked slowly back to the living room. I saw headlights flash as a car pulled in the drive and then the flashing of red and blue lights. As car doors slammed I unlocked and opened the door. Derek made it up the stairs in one leap and wrapped his arms around me.

  “Are you all right? You hurt?” He asked looking me over. I nodded my head. Charlie moved past him and made his way through the house. A few minutes later he was moving past us and out the back door. I heard him curse and come back in.

  “What?” Derek and I asked together.

  “Stupid ass kids. Someone broke the back porch light too. There is something painted across the door. I hate Halloween pranks. Kelly is gonna shit a brick,” Charlie said moving to me and kissing my head.

  “Why did you go outside?” Derek asked and Charlie's eyes narrowed.

  “It's my job, kid,” Charlie snapped. I knew Derek was talking to me, though.

  “That's what I'd like to know too.” I looked up to see Sheriff Cartwright standing there and I shifted on my feet.

  “You didn't?” Charlie asked, a look of pure shock on his face.

  “I- I don't know. I saw something. I had Derek on the phone before I opened the door!” I snapped. I could feel tears brimming my eyes. Charlie hugged me and Robbie close to him.

  “Don't do that again, okay? It wasn't safe,” he said softly.

  “Yeah, Butterfly, please don't do that again. You scared ten years off my life.” Derek's words made my heart hammer more.

  “I'm sorry. I won't do it again,” I whispered.

  “I need to get photos of the damage and then get to the station to file the paperwork.” Charlie moved towards the door and went to work.

  I moved with Robbie to the couch while Derek went to get Carter and the kids from the Jeep. Everyone piled onto the couches and as the Sheriff and Charlie worked we watched “It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” since the kids seemed to like it.

  I'm not sure how much time passed before the kids were out and we moved them to my bed. All but Ryan. The moment she was laid down she woke up crying. I picked her back up and now, as I sit here curled into Derek’s side she’s asleep in my arms. Carter is sprawled out on the oversized chair and Charlie - who refused to leave me until Mama and Daddy got home - was stretched out on the other couch. He was passed out cold. It made me smile. He was so overprotective. I had a great big brother, that was for sure. We’d warmed up the pizzas earlier so the two boxes lay open on the coffee table and soda cans were all over. The bowls of candy and popcorn took up the last available spaces. It was a mess, but even with the bad stuff that happened, the night had turned out great.

  I must have fallen asleep because I blinked my eyes open when I heard voices. I was still curled up against Derek, so who was talking? That's when I heard Mama’s voice raise and then lower. I closed my eyes back so I could listen.

  “What do you mean they trashed the back yard?!”

  “Just what I said, Kelly. It's apparently a Halloween prank but Lana was freaked out so I stayed to make sure the punks didn't come back.” Charlie's words held a bit of anger but he kept his voice down. “She saw a man in the yard. She called Derek and Carter to come over cause she was scared. Carter called me. Gabe and I gave the place a once over. I'll need more pics once the sun's up.”

  “What a clusterfuck. I knew we shouldn't have left her,” Mama snapped. No doubt at Daddy. Yeah, let's blame him. I sighed softly and shifted Ryan to get comfy. Derek's arm tightened around me and I'd bet a pizza neither he nor Carter were asleep now. Mama was too loud to sleep through.

  “Just go to bed. Leave the kids where they are and we’ll sort it all out in the morning. I'll be on the couch if you need me.” I heard Charlie say and then he flopped back down on the couch. Mama’s voice disappeared upstairs and I let myself relax again. I needed sleep before the inquisition started in the morning.


  Pranks or Threats?


  One thing about me that might piss most people off is that I don't play with bullies. I don't cower down to threats, and messin with the people I love will not end well for you. I can take people threatening me, I mean, whatever floats your boat, but do not threaten the people I love.

  As I stand here staring up at the back door to the McKenna home my stomach clenches. Charlie and Gramps think it's just kids having fun last night as part of a Halloween prank, but I see it for what it really is. A warning. One that was meant to have me running off to hide, tail between my legs. Nope! Not happening. Fuck you very much! What it will do is get me back onto my laptop a lot faster. I need to send these pics to Hatcher and the Geek Squad.

  I look up at the message scrawled across the door with what I'm assuming is paint and sigh. “Stop digging or she gets it.”

  This was the FBI’s fault. I should never have taken them up on their offer to keep up the investigation the Jacobs family and all of their contacts after the big raid.

  There had been no way to turn them down. Not that I saw, anyway. How could I turn my back on the disgusting things they did? Dealing drugs is one thing, but to run and sell people? Oh hell no, that's wrong on so many levels. Every time I see Kristol smile it makes it all okay. I can deal with threats. I just need to tighten up my shit. Someone was watching me, I had no idea who, but I'd figure that out too. One way or another, somebody was going down.

  When Gramps came over and handed me the camera he had been using I put it in the bag with the fingerprint kit and other crime scene necessities.

  “I think that should do for now,” he said, nodding towards the door as Charlie came over to where we stood.

  “I'm sure Kelly will be happy to get out here and scrub that off,” I said, not looking up at the door this time. The message floated in my mind, making my stomach tighten in anger.

  “They're good to clean that off now. I'm not even sure what their message was. Stupid damn kids,” Gramps grumbled. I shook my head as I zipped the bag up and handed it back to him.

  “I've told them they need more lights around this place, especially if they're gonna leave Peanut here alone with Robbie. Bad enough she stays here by herself,” Charlie said, crossing his arms over his chest. We all looked back to the door before walking around to the police cruisers.

  “I called the Malone crew to come and clean this up. They're gonna sand and repaint the door.” I turned to see Robert heading our way. He gave Charlie a pat on the shoulder before he and Gramps stepped away to chat. I scrubbed a hand over my face and sighed.

  “What's on your mind, kid?” Charlie asked as he leaned up against his cruiser. Could I tell him what I thought was happening? Would it put him in danger? I needed to get a hold of Hatcher and Carson. They needed to get this fucking case closed and super fucking fast.

  “I don't think this is a prank. Someone's being an asshole and we need to figure out who. Someone was in this yard. Lana saw a man in the dark shadows. I was on the phone when she said he was moving towards her. What if we’d been two minutes later?”

  Okay, so staying calm and in line wasn't going to happen. Last night scared the shit out of me. I could take the threats I had gotten, toss them aside and ignore them, but now, now they were fucking with the people I cared about. I wasn't going to stand for that. I met Charlie's gaze and nodded to the car. If I couldn’t trust him
with this then I was screwed.

  “Spill it, kid,” he said, standing to his full height. I shook my head.

  “Let's go for a drive. This may take a while and I can't let anyone hear what I'm about to say. All of our lives depend on that.” I moved to the car and got in. Charlie said something to his dad and Gramps then got in himself. This was gonna put me on Carson's shit list for sure but I needed help. Someone that cared about the people around me as much as I did.

  Ten minutes later we were parked out in the grove, a local park of sorts. For once it was empty. Though it was still early. My gaze raked along the tree line as I spoke. I couldn't look at him as I said what I was about to.

  “I've been working on a case for the FBI’s Cyber Crimes Unit. They had this case come up after the shit with the Jacobs’ take down. It's a top secret kind of case. One that will bring down a lot of people at once. Big people, Charlie.” I turned to look at him, my chest tightening at what I had to say next.

  “What? Does Gabe or Drew know? Kid, what in the hell are you doing?” His words were rushed as he glared at me. “You're gonna get yourself killed by being stupid!”

  “I'm not being stupid! I was doing this to keep everyone safe. Kristol is not off the hook yet for what happened. Her name and Dani Lynn’s popped up in documents these assholes have. Lana… Charlie, her name was in a file too. Along with her father. Do you know what they would do if they got a hold of her?!” My voice cracked and I looked away. “I would die to protect her. I'm doing this for them all.”

  “Holy shit. D, please tell me you're kidding me? My little sister? No, you can't be serious, right?” He stammered.

  “Her name is in there. Apparently Stephen,” I trailed off to calm my nerves. All of this started when Stephen, Drew and Jacks’ father, the Burke County Judge decided to move his human trafficking and drug ring through the town. He had Dani Lynn kidnapped, beaten and tortured for days. I shuddered at the aftermath of that. I looked back up at Charlie.