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Sparks Of Deception Page 3
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“Alana was lucky. We gave her a full work up after learning of her incident. The x-rays show there is bruising on her lower back and ribs on her right side. That will be sore for a few weeks. I’ll prescribe an anti inflammatory for her as well. She will need to take it easy. Her arm was a little iffy at first, but we managed to set it. I’m waiting for the ortho guys to get here for them to look at it. There’s still a chance she will need surgery,” the doctor said. I squeezed my eyes shut and gave her hand a squeeze as she lay there battered and bruised. There was a commotion out in the hall and I heard Anna’s voice as the door opened. She rushed to the bedside and I moved aside so she could see her sister.
“Whose ass am I kicking?” Anna asked Lana.
“I get the little bastards first,” Charlie snapped. Robert gave them both a look and shook his head. He wasn’t fooling anyone, he was having those same thoughts. They mirrored mine. The doctor excused himself and we all sat around waiting to see what would happen with her arm. About a half hour later Lana was out cold. The meds they pumped into her finally won the battle to make her sleep. Shelby came in, looking a little disheveled, and went straight into Charlie’s arms. Keeping her voice low, she looked around before she spoke.
“How is she? I just heard. I was in surgery,” she said, laying against Charlie’s chest. Her being there seemed to calm him slightly.
“She’s okay, they gave her more pain meds and she crashed out hard,” he said kissing her head. “You okay? You look tired, baby.”
“I’m okay, I’m off in an hour. We just had to do an emergency c-section. Good news is mom and all three babies will be perfectly fine.”
“That’s wonderful news, baby,” Charlie said, once again kissing her head.
“What in the hell is taking those Ortho guys so long?” Robert said as he paced the room.
“Doctor Crane? He’ll be here in a few. I left him washing up when I came down. He was in the OR next to me. There was an accident on the highway. My patient’s hubby had some serious breaks that had to be surgically fixed,” Shelby said, frowning. I guess being an ER Doc you saw all kinds of things. I shuddered and let out a deep sigh. The door opened again and I expected a doctor, but Derek and Carter came in. Derek moved to Lana’s side and leaned down to kiss her temple.
“Derek. Carter,” why don’t y’all tell me what ya know,” Charlie suggested. Though the look on his face said it wasn’t a request.
“She’s been having issues with the cheerleaders and that asshole, Corey,” Derek said, his jaw clenching. I watched him try to calm himself as he looked over at us. “I threatened him the other day. Seems I should have put my fist in his face instead of warning him.”
“Kid, it’s not your fault. Those kids are to blame,” Robert said.
“It is. I didn’t protect her.” I felt my heart break at the pain on his face. He was gonna blame himself for this. I reached over and took his hand in mine.
“Listen to me. You had no idea this was gonna happen. It’s not your fault,” I said, watching him closely. He nodded, but the look in his eyes hadn’t changed.
“There was an attack on her before the bathroom. They tried to jump her in the stairwell. Lana knocked one of the girls, I couldn’t see which one, down the stairs. She went with her, though. They followed her to the bathroom and we know how well that worked out,” Derek said. Charlie and Robert cursed behind me. Lana stirred at the raised voices. She opened her eyes and looked right up at Derek, a small smile tugging at her lips.
“Am I okay?” she said, yawning .
“You are, butterfly,” he said, leaning down to kiss her temple.
A half hour later the orthopedic doctor came in and we learned Lana would need surgery. It was scheduled for first thing in the morning. My heart hurt. My baby was broken and there was not one damn thing I could do to help her.
It had been about eighteen hours since Lana’s attack and I had yet to sleep. I had been sitting in the chair beside her bed since they moved her to a private room for the night. Kelly and Robert wanted to stay, but I told them she would need them more in the morning. They'd reluctantly left to go get some sleep with the understanding that I would call them if anything changed. I moved my chair closer still and leaned my head over onto her hand as I clasped it in mine. I jerked slightly some time later when I felt movement to my right. I blinked back tears and groaned as my stiff neck ached.
“Derek…” I looked down to see Lana watching me. I leaned over and kissed her knuckles.
“Hey, my pretty butterfly. You need something? You hurting? I can call the nurse-” I stopped when her fingers pressed to my lips. I took a shaky breath as her soulful eyes met mine.
“Water, please,” she whispered as she yawned.
“Be right back,” I said standing straight and stretching. Ugh, I hated sleeping slumped over. My back was already protesting. I moved to get her water pitcher filled and came back in, fixing her a glass. I sat on the edge of the bed and helped her take a few good swallows. My fingers ran along her jaw. “Better?”
“Yes,” she said, shifting slightly. She tugged the covers up slightly and I leaned over to kiss her forehead. “Can you… lay with me? I’m cold.”
“Sure thing, baby,” I set her cup on the tray by her bed and moved around to get in facing her. I couldn’t have my back towards the door, that was a no go. I tucked her into me and kissed her head again. “Is that better?”
She nodded. I ran my hand up her back, the feel of her makeshift splint making me feel sick. I hadn’t been there when she needed me to be. I had failed her. Me, I failed the girl that owned my heart. How did I let this happen to her?
“Stop doing that,” she said, her lip curling up slightly, causing her to wince. Her split lip was swollen. It looked as if she had been two rounds with Tyson. I sighed and shook my head before I met her eyes.
“Stop what?” I asked, knowing good and damn well she knew exactly what I was thinking. She always did.
“Don’t play dumb, Landry,” she said, sighing. “This wasn’t your fault. It was mine. I should have told someone sooner what was going on. There’s no one to blame but me.”
I looked at her and shook my head. “My stubborn girl, you are not going to blame yourself. Let’s make a deal?” I raised a brow.
“What kind of deal?” she asked hesitantly.
“Neither of us will blame ourselves or each other, for that matter. This is all Corey and Kristy’s doing. I bet the only reason Ashlee is in on it is because she was told she’d be. Girls dumber than a box of rocks,” I said, sighing. I wrapped myself around her, gently holding her.
“I can say ‘deal’ to that, D,” Lana said before kissing my cheek.
“Come on, butterfly, get some sleep. I’ll be right here with you. I’m not moving. I promise,” I said softly. I held her to me and rubbed the back of her neck until she was sound asleep. I closed my eyes and let myself relax, knowing that I was here to keep her safe right now. Tomorrow would be a new day and I could only hope it would all go well for my girl.
Countdown to... Disaster
It had been three weeks since Lana’s attack and everything had been calm since then. The assholes that had hurt her were not only expelled from school, but Corey was still in jail awaiting his court date. His mama - who turned out to be a very nice woman - said the jackass was like his father and to let him rot in there. She wanted nothing to do with him and his trouble. I couldn’t blame her, she had two younger daughters to care for. She didn’t need that on her shoulders. School had been peaceful as well. Not only for Lana - who was very nervous about going back - but for me. No one got in my way, and I mean no one. Not even the she-beast.
I had managed to get all but one of my final exams done a week early, so I was literally at school to be Lana’s bodyguard. The only class I had was fucking history. Thankfully, Carter was able to be with Lana for that hour. I hated that the cow - aka, Mrs. Tur
ner, the substitute from hell - was not inclined to give me any leeway. Whatever. We had it covered. As soon as history was over I made my way to the science floor. I leaned up against the wall outside of Mrs. Trimble’s class to wait. I smiled when Lana and Carter made their way from the stairwell. Lana’s eyes met mine and a big ass grin played at her lips. I leaned down to kiss her forehead when she leaned into me.
“Come on, Butterfly, let’s get this class over with,” I said.
“Can we stop for pizza on the way to my house? I’m starving,” Lana said, giving me that grin of hers. That grin melted me inside and out.
“I told you yogurt wouldn't last long,” I said. “What about a burger? We had pizza yesterday,” Carter said as we walked into the class.
“That's up to Butterfly. I don’t care either way,” I moved to drop a kiss to Lana’s head before walking to the chair in the back of the room.
“Pizza it is, then,” Carter muttered and I laughed. He didn’t mean anything by it. He was as bad about giving into her as I was. I pulled out my tablet and logged into it. I pulled up the map of the Apple Spring campgrounds and started making notes in my phone. The only thing I asked for - as a graduation gift - was a camping trip. A real one, with family and a few friends. Just a way to get away for the week to relax, and to do some fishing.
While I made the necessary arrangements the noise in the class faded. I couldn’t wait for next weekend. As soon as that damn diploma was in my hand, we were out of here. I closed out of that app and moved to my game app. The clock said we had twenty minutes left, so I’d keep myself busy until then. I got lost in the game. The bell ringing scared the piss out of me. I had to chuckle to myself as I got up and tossed my tablet into my bag. I moved to take Lana’s messenger bag and tossed it around me. Manly it was not, it was covered in frigging flowers and lady bugs. But she didn’t need to worry about carrying it, so I would. I took her hand and we all walked out of the class and up the hallway to the outside exit. We were on the opposite side of the school from the damn parking lot. That was a killer, but it gave me more time with my girl.
When we got to my Jeep I pulled her bag off, tossed it down into the back floorboard and tossed mine with it. I moved around to help her into the Jeep as Carter jumped up in the back. I would hate when the weather changed and I had to put the damn cover on it. When I looked around I saw one of the teachers watching us. I raised a brow, but shrugged it off. When Lana grabbed my hand I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on her lips.
“I’m starving,” she said, pouting slightly. I chuckled as I poked her belly.
“Well then, let’s go get you something to eat,” I said as I moved around the jeep and got in. I started it quickly and pulled out into the lot, waiting my turn to pull out on the main road.
“Cart, you still want burgers?” Lana turned a little to look at him, grinning. What was she up to?
“Eh, whatever. I’m good with pizza, long as we can get fries too. And maybe some jalapeno poppers. And, we need dessert,” he said. I shook my head.
“Dude, that is a gross combo, even for you,” I said. Luckily it didn’t take us long to get out of the school's parking lot and moving down the road. I reached over and tugged gently on Lana’s hair. “Where to?”
She took a minute to think and then smiled at me. “How about some real food? The Barbeque Pit sound good? I think I can use a brisket sammich with a side of taters and beans,” she said, all but drooling.
“Now you’re talkin’, woman. I can use a sausage and brisket plate,” Carter said. I shook my head and laughed. Stella was gonna kill him if he ruined her plans to shove him full of food later.
“Alright, the Barbeque Pit it is,” I said. We made it through town and down by the railroad tracks and I found us a parking spot. When we got out I took Lana’s free hand as we made our way inside. The smell... Oh man. My stomach was already growling. It was going to be a food coma kind of night.
One week until graduation. Six days, to be exact. Three days until the last day of school. Could it be Wednesday already? No, that would make life too damn easy. Such is life. Just when it looked like everything was calm and going to go just like it should be disaster struck.
Lana, Carter and I were walking from the sidewalk towards the English, History and Science building - each having their own prospective floors - when I noticed a few men wandering around. They had on the same blue overalls that the janitorial and maintenance men wore. That was odd, usually you didn’t see them unless they had to come to a class or the bathroom to clean up a mess. They worked behind the scenes. But, then again, graduation was in the main auditorium in a few days. Maybe they were just making sure the school was in tip top shape, inside and out. I shrugged it off, but that was the wrong thing to do.
By the time we made it to the second floor there was a loud ‘Boom’. People screamed as the building shook. Before I could react there was a second ‘Boom’. I shoved Carter and Lana up the rest of the stairs and took off towards the end of the corridor. The big bay windows gave a good look at the grounds surrounding the school. The men in the blue uniforms were nowhere in sight. There were kids running all different directions. The fire alarms were blaring now as the flashing emergency lights twirled. I grabbed Lana’s hand and made her look at me. The third boom knocked us all on our asses. People were screaming louder as the halls filled with smoke and dust.
Cursing, I ran to the other side of the hall and looked out the window. The smoke was getting thicker and panic started to rise in me. I shook it off and turned to Lana and Derek.
“We have to stay calm and get the hell out of here, now!”
There was no time to let the panic on their faces get to me. I shoved Carter to turn him around and moved past him and Lana. As we picked our way back down to the second floor the smoke got worse. We turned and went back up to the third floor bay window that looked out over the front lawn of the school I moved to grab a fire extinguisher and proceeded to smash the window. Yes, I know that was probably a mistake, but I needed to get them out.
“Get out,” I commanded.
This window was thankfully next to a big ass red maple. The tree had to be thirty foot wide at this point. They had plenty of limbs to hang onto to get out. We all lived in trees as kids. It was time to relive that.
“I- I can’t!” Lana shrieked, stepping back from me. I pulled her gently to me and nodded my head.
“You can, baby. Now let Carter go first so he can help you,” I said. After a minute of her eyes going from me to Carter, then to the tree, she sobbed out an ‘okay’ and moved to the window. I helped her up and she jumped to the tree. Again, thankfully it wasn’t that far. I could hear people screaming and I gave Carter a look. “Get her down and be safe. I have to see if I can help.”
“NO! Get out here!” Lana cried as she reached for me.
“Butterfly, go with Carter. I swear I’ll be right behind you,” I swallowed hard, pulled my t-shirt up over my mouth and nose, and turned to run back down the hall. The alarms seem to have gotten louder by the time I got back to the stairwell. There were a few guys pulling girls up and I pointed to the open window. “Go, get out.”
“There is someone stuck down there,” one of the football players said. McNally was the name on his jersey. I nodded and moved to follow him down the hall. We were both working to get the debris out of the way when I heard the shrill call of sirens. Well, that was a plus. There was a low moan from below us. I moved over the pile of bricks and wood to move down a few steps.
“Watch your step, man,” I said pointing to the rebar sticking up out of the pile at the landing. I shifted, jumped up onto the rail and slid down the other side. Thankfully I didn’t slip and break my ass or my neck by falling to the landing below.
“He-help me. Derek?” a low voice said. I almost didn’t hear it over the damn alarm going off. My eyes scanned the area and I grimaced seeing the blood covered girl laying against the wall. Cassidy, I think that was her name. She was in L
ana’s English class. I moved closer to her.
“Hold on, I’m coming,” I cursed as I dodged another piece of wall. “Hey, look at me. What hurts?” I was shouting as I knelt down beside her.
“My-” she sobbed as she leaned over and clung to me.
“Hey, hey, come one. We’ll get ya out of here, okay? You have to tell me what hurts? Where is all the blood coming from?” I asked. She grimaced as she shifted slightly and pulled up her shirt. There was a cut across her ribs. It didn’t look too bad, but I knew that shit hurt. I nodded and looked over my shoulder as she tried to stand. “Hey, you ready to grab her…”
“Yeah, name's Kevin McNally. You’re Derek Landry, right?” he asked and I nodded.
“Yeah, good to know ya, man,” I said and turned back to the girl. “Cassidy, right?” I asked and she nodded. “Okay, Kevin and I are going to help you out of here. Just as I went to lift her up for Kevin to grab, there was another ‘Boom’ and we all hit the ground.
Fires fucking suck
My eyes flicked open as a cough erupted from me. There was a pain in my side and arm, but I ignored it as I sat up. Cassidy was half sitting, half laying on the rail. “Guys, you okay?” I asked, struggling to my feet. The smoke that swirled through the air was getting thicker. The alarms were only sort of working now. I shook the dizziness out of my head and carefully helped Cassidy up.
“Come on, man, I got her,” Kevin said as I helped Cassidy up on the railing. She let out a loud gasp.
“Don’t look down, babe, just move your feet. Keep your eyes on Kevin, okay?” I said. She was quick to nod and he helped her over the gap. I hopped up and made the jump, slipping on the landing but the twinge in my knee was better than face planting.
“You okay, man?” Kevin asked. I nodded. I leaned over the rail and yelled as loud as I could.