Sparks Of Deception Read online

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  As I sat there being harassed by this chick, Drew and Gramps had shown up. Dani Lynn was still out of town with a few of her residents, which I didn't find out until they showed up. She had messaged them. It's probably a good thing she wasn't here. She told the she-beast off before for being a bully, and I'll be honest, she said things that made me have to look away from the woman. She went as far as saying she’d call “Uncle Donald” and speak to him about this. Donald C. Martin was on the school board and happened to be a good friend of both Gabe and Robert. The call ended quickly after that. I was released back to class and I was still going to be in trouble later. Drew and Dani Lynn both said we’d talk about this later. Ya know, in that tone. The one that says, “I will kill you when there are no witnesses.”

  I sighed as I walked to my Jeep and raised a brow. Carter was in the back, but not Lana. “Dude, where's Lana?” I asked, tossing my bag in the backseat.

  “Dunno, she wasn't in Biology class,” he said, standing up in the back and jumping back down. “You've not seen her?”

  “Not since I went to the she-beast’s office,” I said, turning to walk back towards the school from the parking lot. We checked the classrooms, the gym and as we were walking back up towards the front of the school I heard loud voices. We walked around the corner and found a group of kids crowded around one of the many alcoves the school had. I heard Lana’s raised voice and I didn’t think. I just moved forward, pushing people out of the way. Carter was at my side in an instant.

  When I stopped, I pulled Lana behind me and stepped up to Corey Edelman, who had been in her face. I had a foot and a half on him, not to mention about fifty pounds of muscle. Corey had been friends with that jackass Conner. If he thought I was going to let history repeat itself, he had another thing coming.

  “Get out of my face, Landry,” he snarled. I just glared down at him. I made no effort to move, or speak until I saw the flicker of fear cross his face. I lowered my face closer to him as my words came out in a harsh but smooth tone.

  “I will say this once. You touch one hair on her and I will rip you in two,” I straightened slightly. “Better yet, I will do to you, what I did to that piece of shit Conner. Trust me, it wasn’t pretty.” I turned, took Lana’s hand, and walked off. My body was shaking with barely leashed rage. The thought of anyone touching her set me off. There was no stopping it. There was no way to redo the way I worked. I protected what was mine. I’d not grown up with someone to look out for me. I didn’t have the security of knowing someone was there. It wasn’t until I had Dani Lynn and Drew in my life that I understood what love and family was. Lana was my family too. As was Carter. People around here had to get their shit together or they’d be meeting the new and improved me. I didn’t back down now, I charged forward. They’d hit the floor before I did.


  Things Just Got Real


  It seemed that every time I was at school and free of either Derek or Carter people thought it was okay to pressure me to ‘keep quiet’. I hadn’t said anything about what I had seen while I did my time on the cheer team. They had to live with their choices, not me. If they wanted to have a relationship with the coach… as gross as that was, more power to them. From what I had seen Kristy and Ashlee doing, it appeared they were the aggressors.

  They’d taken to cornering me, and saying some things that were not so nice about me. I tried to not let it bother me but, I was beyond tired of it. I had come close to punching a few people over the last few weeks for it, but Derek and Carter had been able to step in and prevent it from happening. In the end, honestly, I was trying to be the bigger person like Anna says I should be. Her words ring through my mind all day long. “The bigger person walks away. Tell someone and let them be the ones in trouble.” Maybe it was me, but that felt like a cop-out. I wanted to pull back and deck the next butthead that came up to me and said something.

  While walking the halls of the school so many questions ran through my head. Why me? What had I done to deserve any of it? Well, I partially knew that answer. I had, at one point in time, wanted to be on the cheer squad. Once I’d made it through the tryouts I found out exactly what they were like… and no thank you. I knew their secrets. I could get them into a lot of trouble. The she-beast as well. But, like the good student - and person - I am, I haven’t said anything. Yet. If things keep going like they have been, I will shout it from the rooftops. Some people would be angry if I spoke, and some would be angry that I hadn’t spoken sooner. Then there is my family… I know they’ll be disappointed with me about it all.

  As I sat in class I was lost in my own thoughts until I heard my name called. I glanced up to see Mr. Richter looking at me and pointing to the board. There was an algebra problem up there and it took me a moment to get the answer in my head.

  “The answer is twelve.”

  I gave him a small smile and went back to doodling in my notebook. The class carried on - while I ignored everyone. My work for today was already in my notebook and completed. The class got quiet as everyone else worked on their assignments until the bell rang. When it did I hurried to grab up my things and get out of the class. I had one more class to go for the day and that was Biology. I actually enjoyed Biology class, a lot. Mrs. Trimble was an awesome teacher. One that you knew cared about her students. Plus, Carter and I shared that class, so that was all the more reason to like it. No one would bother me with him around, thank God. Things had changed over the last couple of years. Used to be that we were not safe no matter what.

  I walked down the two flights of stairs that would lead to the basement level where all of science classes were. Suddenly, I was jerked back by a tight grip on my bicep. You know what? That was it. I jerked my arm down and turned to face the person that grabbed me. It was Kristy Abernathy. I shoved her back and as the kids started to circle us I sighed. “Leave me alone,” I said, picking up the book I dropped and making a move to walk back to the stairs.

  “Oh, no. Get back here, slut.” She snatched my backpack off my arm and I turned, swinging my arm out. My balled fist hit her in the jaw and before I knew it she was charging me. The crowd started to chant “fight” and that is what we did, until we both took a tumble down the staircase. That crap hurt. I picked myself up, moved back to get my bag and book and walked off like it was no big deal. There was no way I was going to bio class. I could barely breathe. Every time I took a breath a sharp pain shot down my side. The tears of anger and frustration were now starting to tangle with the fresh wave of pain induced tears.

  I slammed my hand against the bathroom door and walked in. I had no idea that would be a mistake on my part. I didn’t see it coming and it wasn’t until I felt the hit (or kick) to my back that I stumbled and went down. I must have hit my head because the world was tilted. I felt someone hitting me, and another kicking me, but the nausea that rose from my gut had my full attention. The pain in my side was unbearable. I had black spots filling in the edges of my vision.

  As suddenly as the attack started, it was over. I heard yelling, but it was too late. My world turned black just as I heard Derek’s voice at my side.


  I was almost to my last class of the day when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and at the words on my screen, “Lana’s hurt, girls bathroom, basement” my heart started to pound and I turned. I ran down the two flights of stairs and towards the science floor. I pushed through the crowd.

  “MOVE!” I shoved people back if they didn’t move fast enough. I didn’t care. I needed to get in here and check on my girl. When I got through the throngs of people I found Carter holding Corey Edelman down on the floor. Carter’s knee was pressed into the back of Corey’s neck with his arms tugged up behind him. Carter had a big red mark on his left cheek. I guess he took a hit before he got Corey on the floor. The position Carter was in, with Corey under him was a move Drew and Jacks had taught us a few months ago. Seems that move was going to get a lot of use if this kept up.
  Two other girls from Lana and Carter’s bio class had Kristy Abernathy and Ashlee Tanner in their grasps. They looked like two pissed off pit bulls ready to attack. I slid to the floor beside Lana and pulled my phone back out.

  “Butterfly, can you look at me?” I asked, leaning down to make sure she was breathing. She had blood all over her face.

  “Is she okay?” Carter asked, the anger in his voice set my own anger off.. I ignored him. I wasn’t sure if she was okay. I dialed Gramps.

  “Kid, you should be in-”

  “Gramps, there’s an emergency at the school. I need you... We need an ambulance. It’s Lana… she was attacked.”

  “Shit. Alright, kid. I’m on my way. I’ll call in backup. Do not move her. I will call Abe at the station and get him and Riley there. Do you know who did it?”

  “Yes, we have the assholes that attacked her. They have evidence all over them, too,” I said as I glared at both of the girls. They tried to get away from Sasha and - I think her name was Kate, but I wasn’t sure. They were both on the volleyball team, I knew that much. I leaned down and whispered to Lana as I squeezed her hand. “Hold on, baby. Help’s coming.”

  “What’s going-” I looked up to see the biology teachers, Mrs. Trimble and Mr. Gardener standing there. It was only a moment before they jumped into action. Mr. Gardner cleared everyone out of the bathroom and Mrs. Trimble went to call the nurse. By the time the school nurse arrived Lana was starting to come around, or it seemed that way. She kept her still until the EMS crew arrived. It seemed to take forever for Abe and Riley to get to the school. The damn firehouse and EMS complex was a five minute walk for fuck’s sake.

  I had ignored the she-beast when she showed up. I’d had enough of her this week as it was. Once Lana was on the stretcher and more alert Gramps and the others arrived. Charlie was going to ride with Lana to the hospital, so Carter and I could go to the principal's office and tell everyone what we knew. The moment I walked in and saw the cocky grin on Corey’s face I lost it. I charged him, but was stopped when Drew body checked me. His hands went to the side of my neck, making me look up at him as he shoved me back.

  “Not here. Not now,” he snapped.

  “What happened in the bathroom? And listen to me when I say I do not have the time nor the patience for bullshit,” Gramps said, glaring at the three students seated in front of the principal's office.

  “Sheriff, they are underage, you cannot question them without a parent or legal representative here,” Miss Jennings stated, sounding bored. She was right, though. The girls were under eighteen.

  “Corey is eighteen. He’s a fucking adult. He doesn’t need a parent,” I said. Drew pushed me back again when I took a step closer.

  “I ain’t got shit to say,” Corey said, his narrowed gaze on me.

  “Son, I will say this once. And I mean that. You are facing some serious charges. You beat up a minor child. If you are eighteen, you can and will be tried as an adult. As Officer Landry stated earlier when he read you your miranda, you have the right to remain silent. I suggest you sit there and stay quiet until you learn to speak in proper English and like you have a lick of sense,” Gramps said, turning to look at Jackson. “I want them all in cuffs. Now! They’re all under arrest for assault, causing a public disturbance and anything else that applies.”

  “You can’t do that! She got what she deserved!” Ashlee screeched. Gramps turned back around to her and sneered.

  “Little girl, no one deserves that. Not even the likes of you.” With that he walked off. Carter and I followed him out while Drew and Jackson got their prisoners in cuffs and escorted them to the waiting police cars. I walked to my Jeep and started it up with shaking hands.

  I pulled my phone out before I got on the road and sent Charlie a text. “Is she fully awake yet? Tell her I will be there soon.”

  His reply came quickly. “They have her in the back. X-rays first. She’s alert. I told her you and Cart would be here soon.”

  I put my phone back in my pocket and pulled out of the parking lot. This whole day had been one big clusterfuck.

  “I want a lawyer!” I heard a female voice yell as Carter and I pushed our way into the police station. The three asshats were sitting at Drew’s desk. That was odd, but I didn’t say anything. They all looked at me as I came in.

  “Derek,” Gramps said, standing from where he had been leaning on Jacks’ desk.

  “Yeah, Gramps?” I moved to my desk in the back and ran my thumb print across the laptop, bringing it to life. I glanced again at the idiots at the front of the room.

  “I have a warrant for school surveillance. Pull everything, run a scan thingy, you know the one. The one that will find their faces. I want to see everything they did today,” he said, nodding. I shook my head.

  “Gramps, it’s called facial recognition. Say it with me,” I said, trying to let some of the tension I was coiling up inside me go.

  “Don’t be fresh, kid,” he said, winking at me. I chuckled. “Oh, Charlie called, Lana is alert, she’s going to have x-rays and they may have to do surgery on her arm. There is a badly broken bone. It’s most likely gonna need a pin and plate, or whatever he called it.”

  “Motherfucking-” I sat down not daring to finish my thought. I couldn’t even look at the front of the room. If I did, I was going to lose my shit and wind up in my own jail cell.

  “Watch your mouth, kid. You’re not too big to go over my knee. I swear, Dani Lynn teaches you more bad habits than good,” I looked up at Gramps and Drew and laughed. Hard. Drew was trying to not laugh at the expression on Gramp’s face. It was just the thing I needed to relax so I could get to work. I had to hurry so I could go see my girl.


  Who do I kill first?


  It’s one thing to get a call saying your kid is sick and you need to come home early, but it’s an entirely different thing when you get a call to come to the hospital because your kid has been hurt. The moment my cell rang I knew something was wrong. I can’t tell you what happened after that call except I was out of the office in Alto and in my car.

  Charlie called to give me an update saying my Lana bear was alert. He wouldn’t give me many details over the phone. I had a long drive ahead of me as it was. It was probably for the best. That all changed when Robert called me and said he was at the station. The kids that had attacked Lana were in custody. Needless to say, I knew my baby girl needed me, but I made a stop. My tires screeched as I slammed on the brakes outside of the station. I was out of my car and up the stairs before I registered what I was doing. I flung the doors open and all eyes turned to me.

  “Kell, you should go on to the hospital. I’ll be right behind you,” Robert said as he came towards me. I pushed him aside and moved to the group of people being watched over by Andrew Landry.

  “These the assholes that hit my kid?” I snapped. He eyed me warily before he nodded. There were two women, both looking a bit worse for wear standing behind the two girls.

  “Watch your mouth, bitch. That’s my daughter you’re talkin’ about right there,” the taller of the two said. I raised a brow.

  “Oooh, you must be so proud,” I said with fake cheer.

  “Kelly,” I heard Robert’s warning tone. I cut my eyes to him and glared.

  “You best do something about her. I won’t have my baby girl harassed for something she didn’t do,” she gritted out.

  “Ma’am, your daughter admitted before three sworn officers, the principal and both of her accomplishes that, and I quote, She got what she deserved,” Andrew said, making air quotes as he spoke.

  “Ash, you damn fool girl,” the woman hissed. I moved a step closer to her and spoke through clenched teeth, my eyes narrowed at the girls before sliding my eyes to the kid beside them. He winked at me and it took all I had in me to not launch myself at him.

  “I want to press charges on behalf of my kid. I’ve already placed a call to McNally, Carter and Geoffrey’s. Mr.
Carter himself will be handling this. Robert said that bastard there is an adult. Charge him with everything you can.”

  “Woman,” I heard from behind me as Robert pulled me back a few steps. “Stop and take a damn breath,” he said softly. “I’ve already done all of that. Come on, let’s go see our girl.”

  “I want justice for our girl. I’ve had enough of this shit, Robert!”

  “Kell, let them work, come on,” Robert said, his hand in mine as he tugged me towards the door.

  “We will take care of this the right way, Mrs. McKenna. Don’t you worry,” Andrew said and I nodded.

  “You see that you do,” I said as I walked out with Robert. My stomach was in knots. We got in my car - with him driving - and headed off to the hospital. Lufkin was only a fifteen minutes drive but God, it felt as if it took hours to get there. Entering the ER I could hear Charlie’s raised voice. Okay, one thing I knew about my boy, he wasn’t a yeller unless he was pissed. Robert moved past me and around the corner. I could see that Charlie was in the Doctor’s face - as Robert pulled him back I saw the tears on his face. I took his hand and tugged him around to look at me.

  “Are you Mr. and Mrs. McKenna?” the young doctor asked. I nodded as Robert spoke. “Good, I was trying to explain to Charlie that I couldn’t authorize anything to be done with Alana until you arrived. Since it’s not a life or death situation. He-”

  “He was an ass, yeah, I’m sorry about that, Doc. My son is very protective of his sisters. Can we see her? Any new news other than the facial lacerations, and the broken arm?” Robert asked. I braced myself before I went into the room after them. The moment she saw me she started to cry. I rushed to her and kissed her head.

  “It’s okay my little bear, mama is here,” I said closing my eyes.