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Sparks Of Deception Page 7

  An hour later, Lana was medicated, cleaned up, redressed and curled up against my side. Bailey had come to lay with her, which I thought helped a lot too. Kris and Stella had taken Lana down to the little cove off behind the camping area where the water was clearer and helped her wash off. She was still freaked out, and I’ll be honest, I was too. That was not something I expected. Needless to say, Cart, Devon and Tim went back out to get the bags of sticks the girls had and some real firewood.

  Kris had talked to Lana while they were out of our sight, apologizing for striking her. I think it shocked Kris as much as it had us. Kris hadn’t left Jacks’ side since they had come back. Her eyes were red and puffy like Lana’s. It was obvious to us all that this had been hard on them both. For tonight, I would just be thankful that my girl was safe and hadn’t hurt herself in the process of freaking out in the woods. I prayed this was our only freak out of this trip. I was counting on it or I’d never get her to go camping again.


  Never Scare a Woman with a Gun


  The last day had been good for us all. Kristol and Lana were almost inseparable after we woke this morning. I was happy about that. Traumatic episodes were something I had grown used to with the way I grew up, but to see Lana so beyond consoling was scary. Kris had done the only thing she thought would help, but in her mind the thought of striking someone flipped something in her. Jacks said she was not used to being the one to strike people like that. She had only ever done it in self defence. The thought of hurting Lana had scared her. I understood.

  The pressure and fear had gotten to her. Kris worried she was becoming like them; like the family she had been rescued from. There was no way in hell any of us would let her think that. Lana, especially, was upset that Kris thought that. So after Jacks left our tent, Lana had gotten dressed and went to find Kris. And as they say, the rest, is history.

  The men went off and fished, the girls did - well, we aren't sure exactly what happened between them, but they were all sun bathing and smiling when we came back from the west side of the banks. All things considered, they seemed relaxed and completely at home out here. When we got back we built a fire and cooked the fish we had caught. Thanks to Lana's stash of marshmallows in her bag, we had a nice dessert of roasted marshmallows to end a great night with.

  Now as I lay here, her little body curled into mine, I can't help but smile. She was my heart. There was never a doubt about that. Being here, like this, with her out of her element, and trying to make us all happy with her infectious smile and silly antics was all a guy could ask for.

  Tomorrow we started our trek back to civilization, I wasn't ready for that. I was not ready to go home. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I missed my family, but I had my girl, the outdoors and food. I was set for a few days. A few more days wouldn't hurt, but I knew Jacks, Stella and Trace had to get back for their jobs. Ya know, being responsible adults and all.

  The rest of us were going to do our own things. I would be working for Gramps part time at the station, as I was now. When I wasn’t there I would be helping Dani Lynn out at the center. Or I'd be wrangling the kids. Which, between me and you, I loved. They were good at keeping me on my toes, that was for sure. I'd never known what a true family was until Dani Lynn and Drew took me in. It made my heart hurt thinking back at how I came to be here, even if it started badly, I had a loving place to sleep, food and kindness. That was something all new to me. It made me feel whole.

  I'd finally started to drifted off, my face buried in Lana's neck, her hand on mine as it rested over her middle. Content to sleep the night away, to enjoy the comforts of the wilderness around us. That changed quickly. There was the sound of scratching at the back of our tents. I shifted slightly, turning my head so I could hear better. It could have been the trees rustling, it could have been someone getting up to pee, or it could have been an animal. I was hoping the latter was not the case. All was quiet for a moment then, shouts and shots rang out. Lana sat up, her head slamming into my face.

  “I got ya, baby, it's okay,” I said. She elbowed me by mistake and with a grunt I pulled her to me. I grimaced when I felt a wash of warm running down my face. Great. She must have felt that too ‘cause she gasped then screamed when dogs started barking, and another shot was fired. I heard Trace yelling. By the time I got out of the tent, people were everywhere and Trace was running after Stella, who was in hot pursuit of someone… shit. She was pissed.


  I was snuggled into Trace, and his snores were all I heard at first but something had woken me up from a dead sleep. I wasn't sure what in the hell it was. I heard it again. There was a scraping sound coming from behind us. There wasn't much light left from the fire pit, but it was enough to see a shadow. Hunched as it was, I couldn't make it out. I squinted and sat up, pushing Trace's arm off of me. Slowly and quietly, I grabbed my gun. It slid from the holster like butter sliding across hot bread. I eased to the tent's front flap. I never zipped them up, in the case of an emergency, but I had the flaps shut. I pushed it open just a bit to peek out. The scraping got louder, loud enough I heard Trace stir. He said my name, but I ignored his whispered question.

  When the tent started to shake in the back I cursed and rolled out of the open flaps. My finger gently squeezed the trigger as I lifted the gun to fire up into the trees. I wasn't sure who or what was there, but that should scare them off. I heard cursing and then I saw them. The little shits were laughing as they ducked behind a felled tree.

  Oh, I was gonna skin their asses. All of them. I shot off another round and started running to where I had seen them go to hide. I heard Trace behind me, but yeah, he could deal. I was gonna kick some high school ass.

  “Goddammit, woman! Stop... Stella! Stop shooting!” Trace's booming command rang out over the night. I squeezed the trigger again just for the hell of it. The little peckers jumped up and ran towards the lake. They were going down. The rage that shot through me when I saw Carter with them hit me hard. He was yelling, but he was with them. I was gonna kill him first. Daddy had the older boys, he didn't need this one anymore.

  “CARTER WAYNE! I'm gonna kick ya ass, boy. Get back here!” I screamed, letting my adrenaline and rage out. A gust of air slipped from me I was hit from behind. Groaning, my body slamming into Trace as he flipped us at the last minute. I heard his loud grunt and the snap of something. Oh, God.

  “Tracey, what was that? Oh God, are you okay?” I patted at his body.

  “Stell, I’m okay,” he grunted.

  “What in the hell are you doing, Tracey Daniels, you big idiot!?” I slapped my hand hard against his chest.

  “I like it when you get rough,” he said, trying to laugh only to wince and groan.

  “Baby, what is it?!”

  “Ribs,” he rasped. My panic and rage raised again.

  “Jackson! I need you, now!” I screamed.

  “Yeah, let's not yell that at another man, shall we, love? Might bruise my ego,” Trace said, chuckling, only to wince again. I heard the thunder of footsteps behind us. When I turned to yell again, Jacks was at our side.

  “Did ya shoot him, Stella?” he gave me look.


  “Yes, seriously,” he quipped. Asshole. He was in full cop mode as he looked Trace over. I scoffed at him and narrowed my eyes.

  “Fuck you, Landry. He's hurt from the fall, you ass. If I’d have shot him he wouldn't be breathing,” I snapped. Then with a grimace I looked down at Trace. “That sounded wrong... I-I wouldn't shoot ya, baby.”

  “You would if I deserved it. No worries, love,” he grunted out a pained groan when Jacks mashed on his ribs. I saw the three shadows slinking back closer to us and looked directly at Carter. His hands went up in self defense.

  “Wasn't me, sissy. I tried to stop them but then you started shooting. Honest. I-I wasn't trying to scare you,” his face was flushed and I saw the worry in it as he looked down at Trace on the ground. “You okay, Trace?”

  “Come on, let's get you back to the fire so I can see better. I think you cracked a few ribs, maybe even broke one, man. The trip out of here tomorrow is gonna be hell on you,” Jacks’ words made my heart lurch. Good God, how in the hell were we gonna make it all the way back with him half broken? I pushed Derek out of the way to move under Trace’s free arm. I helped Jacks get him to the logs by the fire.

  “You three get something to perk up this fire and then do not move from my sight. If I have to look for you, I will kick all your asses twice. Got it?” A chorus of “yes, ma'am's” rang out. I stuck my gun into the back of my pants and moved to cup Trace’s hand.

  “Stell, it was a joke, don't be so serious. They're just kids,” Trace’s soft words tried to soothe me, but I scoffed. I was pissed. There was no calming down. Did the asshole forget who he was talking to?

  “Little fuckers best be glad they are under age or I'd tan their hides real good,” I muttered. My heart hurt as the fear I’d tried to push away swam into me.

  “Stella Grace, enough. It's all right, just leave them be,” Trace’s voice was hard but I saw the worry in his eyes, which was replaced by pain when Jacks started wrapping an Ace bandage around his middle.

  "There’s bruising already. I'm afraid something broke. We need to get you to a Ranger station and let them evac you out," Jacks said.

  “Fuck no, I'm fine,” Trace growled as he glared at Jackson. “I’ll be fine to walk out just like everyone else.”

  “Look, man, this could turn bad. If you puncture something-” Jacks was cut off mid-word when Trace’s anger came to life.

  “Stop! I said I was fine. We will march our asses out of here tomorrow as planned. Not a minute later.”

  “All right, fine. Whatever you say, my man,” Jacks muttered.

  “Here Trace, take these. They'll help with the pain,” Kristol said. She stepped closer and handed him two pills and a bottle of water.

  “I hate these things,” he grumbled, but swallowed them down when we all gave him a look.

  “Stell, keep an eye on him. If he acts weird in the slightest way, we do this my way,” Jacks said, standing and pushing the first aid kit back into the florescent orange bag.

  “You got it. If I need to shoot him to speed up the evac, I will,” I winked at Trace, who scowled.

  “Sissy,” Carter’s voice pulled my gaze from Trace to him. “I didn't have a thing to do with this. Stop giving me that look.”

  “Kid, go sit down somewhere. I'm not in the mood,” I said, hating to be a bitch, but if he kept talking I would throttle him.

  “Fine, whatever,” he grumbled as he stormed off to his tent.

  “Stella, cut the shit!” Trace growled at me. “You know that boy didn't have any idea any of this would happen. Shit happens. When it does you deal with it, and move the fuck on. Suck it up and get over it.”

  “Enough, get your asses to your tents, and get some sleep. We leave at first light,” Jacks’ voice rose. He helped me get Trace up onto his feet. He wobbled slightly, but we managed to get to the tent with no issues. In a few hours our journey home would start. This was going to be one helluva long fucking day. Was it wrong to wish I had a bottle of Jack in my bag?


  Up In Flames


  Last night went from being a nice night, to a cluster fuck of epic proportions. The guys thought a little prank would get a laugh out of everyone - but it turned into a shootout. Why? Well, because Stella is a crazy ass redneck woman who shoots first and asked questions later. I get it. They scared her last night, but she won’t admit it. In the race to get to the boys, Trace was hurt when he tackled Stella to keep her from throttling them. This made the rest of the night - loads of fun. Do you hear the sarcasm?

  This morning things were still edgy around the campfire. Stella was pissed; Trace was hurt, but trying to pretend he wasn’t. That seemed to make everyone either antsy or frustrated. Today was going to be a long day. Scrubbing a hand over my face, I let out a long sigh before I pulled my pack up and settled it into place. I kept my eyes on Lana and Kris as Jacks moved closer to Trace.

  “Ready?” I asked, not at all ready to leave, but we had to get Trace back to a doctor. And we needed to get the kids away from Stella before someone got hurt, again. “Let’s get moving, it’s gonna be a long day.”

  We had dispersed Trace’s pack between the rest of us so he had nothing to carry. It was a battle, but Jacks finally pulled ‘rank’ and took charge of doing it. I nodded for Lana and Kris to go up the path after Jacks and Trace started off. Stella was before them and the boys, and I brought up the rear. Everyone was quiet as we walked. For now at least. The only noise - other than our footsteps – was the dogs running around and barking as they played in the forest around us.

  A few hours later we were all resting; pack on the ground, my back was against a tree, Lana lying against my side. I rubbed my neck where it was cramping. I was sure it was from stress. When people talked they were pissy. I was trying to not yell at everyone, even though I really wanted to. Our carefully planned post graduation camping trip had fallen spectacularly to pieces. I felt Lana’s lips press to my cheek before she whispered against my skin. “You okay?”

  “Yeah butterfly, I’m okay. Just tired,” I said, kissing her nose. “You ready to move again?”

  “I guess so,” she said but stood in one fluid motion.

  “All right, troop, let’s move out. We can make a stop in a couple of miles and have dinner,” Jacks said when he saw Lana and I stand up. Trace grunted as he took the help Jacks offered him. He needed help to stand fully, which told us all just how bad off he was. I was hoping that his injury wasn’t too bad. We’d find out as soon as we got back to town.

  “Trace, you okay to carry on?” Stella asked, as she leaned into his good side, trying to do more to help him stand without making it obvious.

  “Yeah, baby, I’m good,” he said, smiling slightly at her. We started back up the path we’d followed as we came in. I had my hand in Lana’s good hand and gave her a squeeze.

  Finally, we had to make camp. We had walked until we were ready to drop. It seemed to be hotter than hell at high noon today, even with the canopy of trees covering us. We were all wore out. I was ready to collapse, honestly. There was a faint smell of smoke on the air, calling to us to set up camp. After the camp was set up, tents raised and a fire pit made, I scanned the area. Hot, tired and crabby was more accurate to fit my mood now. And, hungry. I moved into the wooded area to gather some sticks so I could get the fire going.

  Carter, Tim and Devon had gone off to explore, I guess. They hadn’t said more than that they would be back. Bringing back an arm full of sticks I dropped them into the fire pit and squatted down to light the drier wood scraps and leaves. When the sparks started up I smiled and shuffled the sticks around. Some food and sleep would help us all.

  Early the next morning we were all starting to stir, tired, hot - God was it hot - and in all honesty, we were ready to get out of here. It had been super quiet this morning. No critters in the woods, no bugs, no nothing. Whoever else it was that was out here camping must’ve had fires going cause the faint smell of smoke filled the air. This meant we were close to other camps, that was the only thing I could think of anyway.

  “Let’s head out. I need a beer and a shower. In that order,” Jacks said, chuckling. I rolled my eyes and hefted my pack up higher.

  “Y’all heard the old man, let’s march,” I said, grinning as I ducked away from his fake punch.

  “Smart ass.” I heard him grumble and I turned to make a face at him. I turned back around, took Lana’s hand in mine and moved up the path. Today was going to be a good day. After the tenseness of last night, it had to be.

  You know how things never go like ya want them too? Well, this day was turning out to be no different. About an hour into our trek we had to stop so the pack I had could be shifted. It was pinching the shit out of me and I was all for trucking on, but
I didn’t want blisters. Not on my side at least. The wind picked up and the smell of smoke in the air had grown thicker than it was earlier. I raised a brow, hearing voices to the west of our area. I shifted my pack again and that was when I saw Tim and Devon’s dad, along with two others, moving our direction.

  “Mr. Rodriguez?” I questioned as both Tim and Devon looked up at their dad in surprise.

  “Listen up, you have to turn around and go back up to the main path. There’s a fire headed this way. They thought they had it under control, but it jumped the line and is rolling this way fast. If you can make it to our bunker, head to the northwest. You should be able to reach the Jeeps we have waiting in Lake Road’s camping area,” he said. His tone was urgent, but he didn’t sound panicked.

  “You got it, Raul. Anything else we need to know?” Jacks’ tone went from camper to cop in the blink of an eye. Though, he was a firefighter most of the time too, so I guess it was in his blood. I waited for them to exchange a few words and we headed back the way we came. I pulled out the pocket compass Gramps had given me and made sure we were going in the right direction. This was not my idea of a good way to work out the day.


  A forest fire. That was the last thing I would have expected on this trip. Though, I never expected Stella to go all GI Jane on the boys either. I was helping Trace move through the woods and we were moving quickly, but a few of them were struggling. The smoke was denser and I was afraid we were not moving fast enough. The way the wind was carrying it to us, I was afraid it was fueling the fire behind us.