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Sparks Of Deception Page 6
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Page 6
“Yep, I will. Oh, hey, don’t move while I’m gone,” I grinned. “I expect to come home to a good meal and my bed,” I said hopping up into the Jeep. They both laughed as I started my Jeep and waved as I pulled out of the drive. I had to stop to get Lana before heading to meet everyone else at the station.
Everyone was more than ready to get on the road. We’d be meeting both Timothy and Devon in Apple Springs. They were riding down with their dad, who was a Park Ranger in the park where we would be hiking. So, here we were standing around the vehicles in the lot of the Police Station. I soaked up the quiet as Lana leaned into me. My poor butterfly was still so sleepy. She was not used to being up so early. Not sure any of us were, but it was what happened when camping or hunting was in the cards.
“Alright, it’s time to roll out,” Jacks’ booming voice carried out over the empty parking lot and I rolled my eyes as I mocked him. Playfully of course, so he didn’t kick my butt.
“Already being bossy, I see,” I smirked as Kristol laughed and climbed up into his Jeep, with her black lab, Thor, already in the back.
“He’s always bossy. Comes with the job, I think,” Kristol’s words made me laugh again.
“Nah, it’s a Landry thing. Drew is the same way,” I said, climbing back up into the Jeep.
“Enough of that. Get your asses to movin’, would ya?” Gramps said, trying his best to hide the grin tugging at his lips. He’d met us at the station only to give us a good send off. He was staying behind with Drew and Charlie to man the fort, so to speak. He did come bearing gifts of ammo and guns, though. Seems there had been a sighting of another mountain lion up where we were headed and he wanted us prepared. Man should have known better than that. Especially with Jacks and Stella along.
“Okay, let’s do this,” I said starting my Jeep back up. We were one helluva convoy. Two Jeeps, a truck and helluva lot of noise. Kristol had her dog, who was quiet and subdued most of the time, but Trace had his three bruisers and they were ready to go, barking and prancing around the back of his truck. I shook my head as we pulled out.
“I’m hungry,” Carter called out from the backseat. I raised a brow.
“Dude, you just inhaled four breakfast tacos,” Lana said as she turned to look at him in the back seat.
“Those were just a good snack,” he piped up as he leaned forward in the seat. “Can we stop and get something else? I just need fuel since you’re gonna walk me to death today.”
I laughed and shook my head. “Nope, not until we get to Alice Springs. You can grab something from the market they have at the check in point.” I reached over and took Lana’s hand in mine as I drove. The rush of the wind in my face was calming. I had been planning for this trip for months, and now that it was finally here I was like a kid at Christmas.
An hour and a half later we’d made it to Alice Springs, finally. Traffic had been stopped due to a bad two car accident a little outside of town, so we were behind schedule. I was all but jittering to get out of this Jeep and get into the woods.
I looked over at Lana and smiled. She had fallen asleep while we waited on the highway and I hated to wake her. “Hey, pretty girl, we’re here,” I said, smiling as her eyes slowly blinked open. It was daylight now, which caused her to squint slightly. “Ready to get our hiking on?”
“Yeah,” she said, rubbing her hands over her face before unbuckling herself and climbing out of the Jeep. Carter and I followed her out and went to get our packs and things sorted. Lana’s small pack, which only consisted of a few changes of clothes and her personal hygiene things, snapped to my larger pack. I didn't want her carrying things with only one good hand to brace herself in case of a fall. My girl was a little less than graceful at times. Why chance it, ya know? I handed her one of the cooler bags and helped her sling it around her. It was something to ‘carry’ so she didn't fuss about not being helpless.
Looking around I saw Jacks had done the same with Kristol. She was fussing about not being helpless and yeah, he was ignoring her. I chuckled and moved around to the front of the Jeep.
“Sup fuc-fudgers?” I looked up to see Tim and Devon walking over to us, big ass grins on their faces.
“Sup, punks. Ready to learn a few things?” I asked.
“As if, white boy,” Tim said chuckling. I shook my head as I pulled bags around to finish sorting out.
“Kris, since Jacks has your pack, can you carry the first aid backpack? It's only a few pounds,” I asked before he could start bitching. “Lana has one of the cooler packs around her, if you could carry this it would help a lot.”
“Sure can. Least you're not pretending women can't carry their own stuff,” she huffed as she pushed past Jacks. He scowled and I shook my head.
“We ready?” Stella asked as she trudged over. Her pack was as big as she was, but it didn't seem to slow her down any.
“Yerp, I think so. Dude, what are you carrying in there?” I asked as Trace came over to us.
“Food for us and the dogs. Stella has our clothes and sleeping bags. Carter has the two tents and his clothes,” he said shrugging.
“Damn,” I chuckled and pulled my pack up and settled it around me before snapping the buckles across my chest and abdomen.
“We have food for Thor and us as well,” Jacks said.
“We’ll be fishing for food too. Cart has two foldable poles and a tackle roll in his pack.” Trace nodded as he fastened his pack on.
“All right, move out,” Jacks said.
I went over to the park office by the store and checked us in, gave them a copy of our trail map and then headed out. I made sure to put Lana between me and Carter, just in case. The moment my feet hit the trail I relaxed. This was going to be a great trip.
A couple hours later we all needed a rest, so we stopped under the shade of some big ass trees. I sat my pack down and stretched my back, groaning as it cracked in a few places. Damn, that felt good. I heard Carter whining about being hungry. Stella handed him a gold filled pack and he happily chewed down on the power bar. I grabbed the power bars from my pack, handed one to Lana and took one for myself. Leaning back against the tree, I closed my eyes and let the silence around us envelope me.
“Hey kid, where are we camping tonight?” Jacks asked before popping something in his mouth. I sat up and pulled the map from my back pocket and removed it from the plastic cover that kept it safe.
“A couple miles from here. Unless the girls get tired before then. I was thinking we’d try to make it here,” I said pointing at the star I'd made on the map. “This will put us one day out from the lake. Once we are there we’ll have three days at the lake, then turn and come back. If all goes well, that is,” I said, as I folded the map up and slid it back into the plastic cover.
“Us girls will be fine, Jesus. We aren't helpless babes taking our first steps,” Kristol griped.
“Hey, I was just saying. We could hike all the way there for all I care. We can go until we have to stop, if it's beyond that point, fine. If not, that's okay too,” I grinned as Jacks flicked a concerned gaze at Kristol.
“Enough of the mushy shit, let's move,” Trace said, standing, lugging his big ass pack back on.
We all stood and gathered our gear before setting off once again onto the almost non existent trail. I think the only ones that ever came this way were hunters and the Park Rangers. I took small strides so the girls didn't have to struggle to keep up a fast pace. The last time Drew, Jacks and I went out on a hunting trip we made a similar trek in a day and a half. I wasn't sure if we’d be as lucky this time, but we’d see.
Six hours, three rest periods and two bathroom breaks later, we had made it to the secondary campsite, scouted the area and had tents up. We decided to pass the first area, but by the time we got here everyone was hot and tired. However, this meant we didn't have as far to hike tomorrow so, that was good. That meant we had a chance to get to the lake before anyone else that may be headed that way.
All heads came up when the d
ogs started barking. I raised a brow as Stella grabbed her rifle.
“What is it?” I asked. Two of Trace’s dogs, the bigger of them, were coon dogs. They liked to chase shit in the woods but, we had to be careful. There were wild animals out here that did not play well with others.
“Look,” Lana said, pointing up at the tree. “It's just a - raccoon, I think. I can't see it good.” Trace gave his dogs a command, and after some whining they settled back down. Thor never moved from Kristol’s side during the excitement. Poor city dog. He looked as lost as he did exhausted. Lana and Kristol didn’t look any better. It might be a good idea to take it a little slower tomorrow, so they don't over do it. They won’t enjoy the lake if they are too exhausted to function.
Freedom In The Wilderness
Leaning back against a tree should not be as relaxing as it is right now. After all, I am not a woodsy girl. I’m not a patsy either, but this is a bit more than I am used to. All of this hiking is kicking my butt. I’ve had to use my inhaler once already today. I hid it, to not worry anyone else. I don’t want them fawning over me. Ugh, I hate being babied. I’m a big girl, and I can damn well take care of myself. Sighing, I sat up and looked around at the trees that were providing us with shade.
“How much longer you think it’s gonna take? I’m hungry for something other than nuts and that nasty stuff Carter calls snack bars,” I said, grinning as Carter threw a paper wrapper at me.
“They’re protein bars. I need them to keep up my energy. I’m still a growing boy, ya know,” he said, grinning that chipmunk grin of his around a mouthful of that cardboard tasting mess he called food.
“Cart, they taste like ass,” Derek said, laughing at the look Carter gave him.
“You know how ass tastes, how?” Trace smirked. He looked at me and I flushed, my cheeks blazing at the look he shot at Derek.
“Don’t look at me like that!” I laughed and stood up. I bobbled a little and flushed even more. “I’m okay,” I said as Jacks and Derek reached for me. “Just stood up too fast. Come on, let’s go.”
“Hey Trace, can I take Bailey with me?” I asked as I patted the dog’s side. Her tongue snaked out to lick my cheek as she leaned into my leg. She was eating up the attention as my fingers started scratching along her side.
“Sure you can, Peanut,” he said, whistling for Abbott and Cooper. “You heard her, get your butts up and let’s go. We should be to the lake in a couple of miles, right, D?”
“Yep. If that. I can’t wait to get this pack off and get in that cool water,” Derek replied. I laughed and shook my head. I put the bag with the water bottles back around me and took Derek’s offered hand once his pack was on.
We all walked in companionable silence for what seemed like hours. I was now leaning into Derek’s side as we made our way through a narrow part of the path, with Bailey leading the way. Well, it wasn’t a true path, more like a small divot of space that had been worn out between the trees. I stopped when I heard rustling and pulled back from Derek. In the blink of an eye, all three dogs were at attention in front of us. I took another step back as Derek pulled his rifle up. Trace moved up past me and whistled. The dogs all went stock still, their eyes pinning towards the mass of bushes just to the left of us.
I felt a warm body press into my leg and an arm wrapped around me. I smiled down at Thor as I rested my hand on his head. Kristol and I watched as Trace whistled two quick and loud whistles and the dogs took off. The coon dog’s rooing sent a chill through me. Something small streaked out across the woods and I shrieked. I hated when things just popped out in front of you. Another loud whistle came from Trace accompanied by a bark of orders. The dogs whined, but came to a stop before him. He mumbled something and they sat down on their haunches.
“Well, that was entertaining,” Carter grumbled as he walked past us and moved to the front of the line, both Tim and Devon trailing behind him. “Is the show over?”
“Shove it, Carter,” Derek said as he came back towards us. “It was just a deer, nothing to be scared over.”
“Who was scared?” I said, huffing as I patted Thor’s head. Derek laughed. He had some nerve to laugh at me. I pulled away from Kristol and started walking, pushing past everyone. “Come on, Bailey.” I patted my leg as I stalked up the path. Maybe I was just being moody, but I didn’t like showing when I was scared.
I heard a few mutters and whispers behind me, but I ignored them all. I just wanted to get to where we’re going so I could relax and not have to walk for a while.
A little bit up the path I could feel the heat getting to me. My head was starting to hurt, and I really started to debate on whether to use my inhaler again or not. Maybe if I just rested for a few minutes. Before I could stop to rest I saw the shimmer of water. I stopped to look out before me. The warmth of the sun and the sparkling lake of water before me pulled me from the woods towards it. I dropped the water pack, kicked off my shoes, pulled my socks off and went to stand in the water. It was cool, but warm at the same time. I let out a long tired sigh. We had finally made it.
After everyone else piled into the clearing around the lake we found the designated camping spots and started putting up tents. Well, when I say we, I mean the guys. Kristol and I were asked to sit back and relax. I was okay with that, this time. I couldn’t put up a tent. The last time I tried I got wrapped up in it and well, Daddy had to unwrap me from the confines of the green and brown canvas. I watched as Derek, Carter, Devon and Tim got their tents up. Jacks and Trace had theirs up already.
“Why don’t we go get some twigs and things to get the fire started? I’m starving. Hopefully Stella will have some fish for us before long,” Kristol said to me. I nodded before standing up.
“Sure thing. My butt is going numb,” I grinned.
“Good.. well, not that your butt is numb, but that you want to come with me. I’m tired of being treated like I’m helpless,” she said, chuckling.
Standing up, I stretched my back out and followed her to where her pack was. She pulled out two medium sized canvas bags and we headed off to the trail where we came in. We padded carefully through the dense underbrush, picking up small sticks and pieces of dried bark, anything that would be easy to light to build the fire in the pit provided in the camping area. I was about fifty or so feet from Kristol, pushing another small piece of wood into my bag, which hung over my casted arm. As I took another step I felt something brush my leg. I shrieked, which made me jump backwards.
Wrong move for me to make. I tried to keep upright, but I lost my balance and sent myself falling over a bush. The moment I was able to catch my breath I looked down to see where I was and screamed.
We had the tents up, packs put away and were about to go down to the lake where Stella had taken Cart’s fishing poles to when I heard Lana scream. I knew it was her. I looked towards the felled trees were we had left her and Kristol, but they were gone. Kristol’s voice made it to us and before we had time to think Jacks and I were beating it into the woods. The others were behind us, and the dogs were raising hell, but none of it mattered. I had to get to her. What was she doing out here and what in the hell was all the screaming about?
We ran around the bend in the road and Kris was hauling ass towards Lana. I jumped a felled tree and took off after her. Lana was screaming, I could see the tears on her face as she flailed and tried to get out of the bushes she was in. When Kris came to a stop and yelled for Jackson my heart dropped. When I got to her I gently moved Kris back. Lana was covered, and I mean covered in spider silk and spiders. I swallowed and moved closer to her. I grabbed her arms and made her look at me.
“GET THEM OFF!!” she was shrieking now. Completely panicking.
“Baby, close your eyes and your mouth. Let me get you out of here, and I will get them off, I promise,” I said, trying to stay calm. Jacks was at my side and helped me pull her over the bush she was stuck in.
“Holy shit bal
ls,” Carter said from behind me. I saw his face redden as he moved over to help me. Everytime we tried to pulled the debris from her she started to shriek again. I turned to Kristol, who Jacks was holding back.
“Get them off!!” Lana screamed, flailing her arms about. I grabbed her casted arm and her good wrist.
“Alana, stop. We’ll get them off,” I said. My voice was a sharp snap as she tried to tug away from me.
“Can you help? I need to get her out of these clothes, fast,” I pleaded. Kris nodded and stepped forward.
“I need a shirt and for everyone to turn around. If you peek I will junk punch you,” Kris barked out. Carter and the boys turned around. Jacks turned too, after he pulled off his t-shirt and handed it to her.
“Come on, let me get this top off of you,” I was having a hard time keeping her still. My fingers kept having to flick off fucking spiders. Only my girl could play in the woods and get caught in a fucking web the size of a house.
“Lana, you need to calm down and stand still,” Kris said as I tried to keep Lana upright. Kris moved and slapped Lana across the cheek. The pop made heads turn.
“Kristol,” I heard Jackson warn but she gave him a look and he slapped Timothy in the back of the head making him turn back around.
I was shoved back. Kris took advantage of her standing still to rip her shirt off and managed to get her pants undone and down. Spiders were all over the place and I swear even I was getting wigged out. I was trying to not get mad at Kris for slapping Lana, I was. But I was mad at myself too. Lana stood there, silently sobbing as Kris stripped her down to her undies. I moved to brush the spiders and the webbing from her hair. As soon as Kris had her cleaned off and Jacks’ shirt on her I had her up in my arms and headed back to the camp. Her entire body was shaking. She felt cold, too. I had to get her calmed down or this trip would be over and we would be calling in EMS. Luckily there was a Ranger station only a mile away from our current location.