Sparks Of Deception Page 4
“ANYONE DOWN THERE?!” If they were I couldn’t hear them.
“I don’t hear anything, man, let’s go,” Kevin commented as he wrapped an arm around Cassidy. I cursed and moved to climb the stairs with them. We made it back to the hall and the fire that was now raging at the other end was beyond crazy hot. There was a scream from the back hall and I took off running. I didn’t wait. I yelled back to Kevin.
“Go, get her out of here.”
“What about you?” he asked. Cassidy stared at me blearily, slumping against Kevin’s hold. I shook my head.
“I’ll be right behind you. Go!” When I rounded the corner I came to a stop. There was a line of lockers that had tipped over and blocking the hall. There were students and a teacher on the other side. I recognized the teacher.
“Hold on,” I yelled, shaking the lockers. They didn't move.
“Hurry, the fire is getting worse!” someone shrieked.
I hopped up on the lockers and hoped like hell they didn’t collapse. I had to do something. I crawled as fast as I could to the other side. The peak where both sets of lockers came together was steep. This would be tricky, to say the least.
“Derek, be careful son,” Mrs. Roberts, the English teacher everyone loved, said. Why couldn’t I have had her again this year? Ugh.
“Someone grab a chair. Climb up and crawl over. You’ll have to come one at a time,” I said as I looked around. The classroom door barely opened enough to get a chair in it, but it worked. It didn’t take long to get the students over. I put my hand out for Mrs. Roberts.
“Derek, I can’t, my bad hip,” she said, her bottom lip wobbling slightly.
“Come on, I'll help you. I am not leaving you here.” I shifted to the edge and she kicked off her shoes and climbed the chair. She was a short woman, and a bit chunky, but I was determined to get her out. I tugged on her arm and slowly we moved. Me on my knees going backwards as she shifted forward on her knees.
“DEREK!” my head popped up and I saw two guys in turnout gear moving towards us. The look on Drew and Jacks’ faces said it all. I grimaced as the lockers shifted. Mrs. Roberts yelped and we toppled over. I slammed into the wall with her landing on me. I was stuck literally between the wall and the locker. It took Jacks and Drew a few minutes to get things stable and her off of me so I could un-wedge myself. I wrapped my arm around myself as I was pulled free.
“Kid, you okay,” Drew asked. I nodded, only to wince when I tried to take a deep breath. The hall was now full of smoke. Drew tugged my arm. “Then move it.” We made our way around the corner to the big bay window opposite the tree. The ladder truck had been backed up right to it. I was the last one out before Drew and Jacks. When I got to the top of the truck I moved to help Mrs. Roberts down and jumped down myself. When I hit the ground I doubled over and sucked in a breath, which only served to make the pain in my side and chest worse. I gave myself a moment to get my shit together. Drew didn’t give me a chance to argue or say I was fine. He just tugged me over to one of the ambulances and pushed me onto the back step.
Abe was there, and oxygen mask was on my face before I could protest. My shirt was pulled up and I was jerking away from him with a curse, flinging the mask off. “What the fuck, man?” Drew pushed me back down and nausea rolled through me. I was pushed over and told to take a deep breath. While Drew rubbed the back of my neck I felt a sharp prick in my arm.
“Alright, kid, get your ass inside. You need to have that side looked at. You’re gonna need stitches. And x-rays, pretty sure something is cracked or broken,” Abe said before turning to Riley who had walked Mrs. Roberts over. “Can y’all double up?” Riley asked and I shook my head.
“I’m fine, really-” I was cut off by my name being called. Lana, with her tear streaked face, launched herself at me. I caught her, no problem there. The problem was the excruciating pain in my side. I jerked back and landed on my ass. I fell back flat and panted as she shrieked and cried over me. It took me a minute to seriously get my man card back and suck up the pain. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her neck.
“I’m okay, baby, I’m okay,” I whispered as I kissed her neck and then pulled back. My eyes met Drew’s and I swear I was blinking back tears. The pain had hijacked every other sense in my body. That was the only mother fucking thing registering.
“Lana, come on, kiddo, we have to let him get checked out. He’s trying to be macho but the ass is hurt,” Jacks said, as he lifted Lana up off of me. I gave him the one finger salute with both hands before Abe and Drew helped me up. I was loaded into the ambulance with Mrs. Rogers and we were off. Drew said Dani Lynn would meet us there. Lana and Carter were going to take my Jeep and follow us. Fun times were to come. I just loved fucking hospitals. Not!
Dani Lynn
It’s not everyday you get alerts on the scanners and via the local news that there was a bombing at a school, let alone your kid’s school. When that alert popped up on channel ten I think we all had a mini stroke. Stella, Anna and I had been working on the arrangements for Derek's graduation party in the conference room and it’s a good thing we were alone. Our cells came out and we all started making calls. I had missed calls from Drew, now I knew why. Everyone seemed to be okay, overall. There were a handful of students and staff that were taken to Lufkin General, but everyone else walked away no worse for wear - so to speak.
Lana and Carter had gotten out, but at the last call there was still no sign of Derek. We waited, and waited and waited until finally Daddy called to say Derek was okay, but a little banged up. He was being taken to the hospital. We all grabbed our bags and hauled ass to my Jeep. Mama Jay said she would keep the kids for Anna and I. They were all down for naps anyway. Stella called Kristol and she was going to come over and get them and take them to her house until we got back.
Now I just had to get to my kid so I could beat the tar out of him for scaring me to death.
I hate hospitals. Two hours and we're still waiting for answers because the hospital was running slower than normal. I understood that a large number of students had been brought in but, there were no life threatening injuries, thank God, and my patience was wearing thin. Did I mention that I hate hospitals?
I paced. When I was done pacing, I paced some more. They'd kicked everyone out of the individual stalls and had the families all waiting in the large waiting area for the hospital. There were other parents just as worried as I was. We had no idea why something like this would happen here, of all places. Was there a reason to ever have this shit happen? Anna and Lana sat curled into each other, and Stella sat with Carter, both of them silent. They'd been like that since we arrived. I scrubbed a hand over my face. When someone called my name I stopped and looked up to see Abe walking over with a young man in a dirty t-shirt and pants.
“Dani Lynn, this is Kevin. He was the one that helped get some of the students out. He was with Derek inside,” Abe said, smiling.
“I know Kevin and his family. Your uncle was in here earlier,” I said softly.
“Yes ma’am, he found me. I'm okay, just here to check on my friends. And Derek. I wanted to say you have a brave kid. He didn't hesitate to jump in and pull people out. When everyone else ran out, he ran in,” he said.
“Thank you. I appreciate everything you did. As do the other parents. Kevin, you make sure to go give your family a big hug when you get home. Today was a lesson for us all,” I said.
“Yes, ma’am,” he smiled. “Tell Derek I said thanks and I'll check on everyone again later. Gotta let my aunt and gran see my face so they'll stop freaking out.”
As I watched him walk away I let out a deep breath and went back to pacing. A few parents or family members had been called back and I was starting to get antsy. My panic was rising with each step I took. When I felt warm arms engulf me I slumped into the embrace. Drew's soft words did so much to ease my panic.
“He’s gonna be fine, baby, relax,” he said, placing a kiss on my
cheek. I let out a deep sigh and looked up at him.
“There’s been no word. They won't tell me shit because he's a fucking adult. Why in the fuck does he have to grow up so fast?” I scoffed. Drew grinned as Daddy walked around us.
“Watch your mouth, Princess. I swear you are worse than a sailor on shore leave,” he said as he flopped down on one on the vacant chairs. There were a few chuckles and I buried my face in Drew's neck.
“Old man, don't start. My nerves can't take it,” I said, glaring at him. It didn't seem to phase him. As always, my daddy was unflappable. He opened his arms as he did when I was a little girl and I am not ashamed to admit I moved to sit in his lap. His arms around me was so familiar. I missed these moments. As a mother now, I wasn't one to pass up the little things. I knew they went by all too quickly.
The doors to the main waiting room opened and the moment I heard the nurse call out “Landry” I was on my feet. “Is he okay? Can I see him now?”
“Yes ma’am, right this way,” the nurse said. I followed her and the moment we walked into the room he was in I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck.
“I'm okay,” he said, hugging me back.
“You better be or I'm kicking your ass. Lana and Carter told us what happened. I'm proud of you my boy, but I swear, if you don't stop charging into dangerous sit-”
“Woman, leave him be,” Drew said as he walked in and I snarled.
“Don't you woman me, Andrew Landry!”
“Hey, stop. I'm fine. She's my Ma, she's supposed to threaten me. It's like an unwritten rule or some shit,” Derek said.
Drew, Daddy and I all spoke at the same time, “Watch your mouth.” That was followed with a round of chuckles and I hugged Derek again. I moved to the side when Lana and Carter came in.
“Hi all, I'm Dr. Anders. Derek is all right, as you can see. He has three cracked ribs. It’s small hairline fractures, nothing to worry over. His back and stomach are bruised, most likely from the original fall. Everything should heal nicely. He mentioned a camping trip next week, but I think that needs to be put off a few weeks. He needs to let those ribs heal some.”
“Done,” Drew and I said together. Derek sighed, but agreed.
“A couple of weeks isn't so long,” Lana said as she smiled up at him.
“I know, I give in. I'll wait a few weeks. Can I go home now? Please? I'm starving,” Derek pleaded. The doctor and nurse started up paperwork and twenty minutes later we were leaving the hospital. We were stopping for take out and then taking our asses home. Today had been one of those days I hoped to never have to repeat. Ever.
Operation… GRADuation
Graduation day was finally here. After the school bombing and fire they had to postpone everything. So tonight - two and a half weeks later - we were finally getting to march across the football field instead of the auditorium stage, but hey, this was better. As long as it happened, I didn’t care where it happened. I will be honest, though… I, Derek Landry, was fucking nervous. All I needed was to puke before I left the house. I grabbed my keys, made sure I had everything I needed and walked out the front door.
“Yo, kid. Where ya goin’?” I turned to give Dani Lynn a grin and moved back up the stairs, scooping her up into my arms and kissed her cheek. I grunted at the small twinge in my side. I sat her down and nodded towards my Jeep.
“It’s time to get going. I need to get that paper that says my school life is over,” I hugged her again as she laughed.
“We’ll see you there in a bit. Don’t forget we’re all going to your Gramp’s house after. Tyler helped decorate, so no snark outta ya later, okay? She’s very happy she got to help with your party,” Dani Lynn said.
“I know she did. She told me all about it...all night long,” I said, laughing.
“Okay, then go on. We will meet you soon. Love you, my boy,” she said, waving as I walked down the sidewalk.
“Love you too, Ma,” I said, giving her a tiny wave and hopping into my Jeep. My cap and gown were already in the Jeep, along with my bag of street clothes so I could change once I got to Gramp’s. These dressy clothes were good for church and that was about it. I tugged at my tie and started my Jeep up. My drive to the football field was short, which made my nerves a little jittery.
We had a little bit of time to kill so I chatted with a few people, and was reunited with Mrs. Roberts. She hugged me super tight and it brought back the memories of that day. Hopefully that would be the last of the chaos this town saw. We’ve had enough of the craziness.
A little while later we were all lined up and the procession began. A half hour after that, I took a deep breath as I stepped up onto the makeshift stage. When my name was called I swear the roar of the crowd was super loud. I grinned like a damn fool as I accepted my diploma. I gave a fist pump and made my way across the stage. I hugged Mrs. Roberts, who was there to make sure we all behaved on the stage, and moved back to my seat. As the last few kids crossed the stage it all became so real. This happened. I finally did it. My younger life had been shit. I was held back and not where I should have been at first, but now, thanks to Dani Lynn and Drew, I had a real family and a good life.
I looked over at them all in the stands and grinned. When it was time to toss our caps I held mine up but didn’t toss it. I had worked too damn hard for it to let it get mixed in the mish mash of chaos. As soon as I could get through the mass of bodies I made my way to my crowd. I scooped up Lana first and kissed her lips quickly before moving down the line. I stopped when I got to Dani Lynn. I grabbed her up in a hug like I had a couple hours ago and hugged her tight. The moment she pulled back I saw the tears in her eyes and had to fight to hold mine in.
“I’m so proud of you,” she said, kissing my cheek loudly.
“Thank you,” I replied and moved to hug Gramps and Drew. Jacks slapped me on the back and I grunted.
“Is it party time? I’m fu-”
“Boy, I will skin you,” Gramps said. I gave him a goofy grin.
“I’m frigging hungry.”
“DAY DAY!” “DEWIK!” I heard the screeches and turned to see Tyler, who was all grins, pulling Taylor along with her. The last year had bonded them together. Even though, they could fight like cats and dogs. They ran towards me still holding hands so I squatted down and engulfed them both in a big hug.
“Hey, you two,” I lifted them up, placing them both on a hip and raised a brow at the grown ups. “You hungry? Ready to go to Gramps for something good to eat?”
“YEEEEEEES!” I blinked at the ringing in my ears and shook my head. I felt Lana’s hand on my arm. She leaned in close to me, so I kissed her head.
“No!” Tyler shrieked. She tried pushing at Lana’s shoulder. “My Day Day. No La La cuddles,” Tyler huffed and we all laughed as Lana turned and made a wide eyed face.
“You won’t let me have a cuddle too?” Lana playfully pouted.
“Okays, you can cuddles,” Tyler said, her voice low as she gave in to that pout after a minute. But then again, this was a game they played daily. I laughed as Taylor pulled at Lana’s shirt and held his arms out.
“I cuddles wifs you La La,” he said, sticking his tongue out at Tyler. Kristol reprimanded him, but he was lost by then. Lana took him from me. The minute he was close she kissed his cheek loudly.
“Oh, I can’t pass that up, now can I?” she said, grinning at him. Again the adults laughed and I blew a big raspberry on Tyler’s cheek. After a few more handshakes with other graduates and townsfolk everyone started making our way to the parking lot. I put an arm around Lana as we walked. We got a few glances from people in the parking lot. People I didn’t know. One lady whispered to another while watching us. I smirked to myself, making sure they got to see me kiss Lana when we stopped at my Jeep.
“Really, babies having babies. So deplorable,” one of them said. I turned and set Tyler on her feet. Everyone else was still at the other end of the parking lot so I was goin
g to set these women straight. I mean, come the fuck on, this isn’t nineteen fourteen or some shit.
“Stay with La La, okay? I’ll be right back,” I kissed her nose as she wrapped her hand up in Lana’s skirt. I moved towards the woman and dipped my head. “Ladies, I would appreciate it if you would keep your condescending, uninformed comments to yourself.”
“You have no right, young man,” one of them said with a huff.
“Look, ma’am, I don’t know you, so I assume you’re here to see someone else graduate. A family member, maybe,” I said, tucking my hands into my pockets.
“You should have been taught better manners,” the other woman said to me.
“Right, okay, so you don’t have the manners afforded most people of this area. We, my girlfriend and I,” I said waving my hand back towards Lana and the kids. “We don’t appreciate your nasty words. Those kids, they’re not ours. That’s my baby sister and my nephew.”
I watched them both share a look and their faces fell slightly. Before I could speak again they nodded. I heard Drew call out, but I ignored him. I kept my eyes on the women before me. “So, now, if you'll excuse us, I’m going to celebrate my graduation,” I said, turning around. I walked back to where I left Lana and the kids. Drew gave me a look and I shrugged his worry off. “It’s nothing,” I said as I picked up Tyler and tickled her side.
“I hungrys, Day Day!” she squeaked and pushed at my hand.
“Me too! My tummy hungry!!” Taylor said, laughing as Tyler wiggled around.
“Come on, princess, let’s go get in the car,” Drew said. I handed her over. Lana had walked Taylor over to Jacks so he could get in his car seat. I moved around to help her into the Jeep. When I got in I started the Jeep and pulled out of the spot. When we pulled onto the main street I smiled.
“So, how’s it feel?” Lana asked me and I laughed.
“Fucking fantastic. But - I’m glad I’m actually here, ya know. Two years later than I should have been, but hey, that’s okay. Can't say I was planning on being almost twenty before I graduated. But, thanks to family I got myself together and now, I’m free,” I said, grinning.