A Marshal's Courage (A Rescue Series Novella Book 1) Read online

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  I had tuned everyone out, to the point that when Daniel joined us and touched my knee, I not only let out a very undignified girly shriek, but my menu flew to the left and right onto someone's table.

  “What the fuck, Man?” A growl came from said table. I panicked.

  “Oh, God. I'm so sorry,” I said as I got up on my knees and looked over the small wall between the tables. I swallowed hard as two very big men stood. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and bit down.

  They were huge, like Arnold Schwarzenegger big. I cowered down into the booth and covered my face with my hands. Both Daniel and Franklin had stood as the men approached. Thomas stayed seated but the look on his face said he was ready to jump in if needed.

  “Watch your woman. She made a mess over there.” The larger of the two men said. Daniel just stared him down. Seeing as Daniel could look the fella in the eye, he wasn't very intimidated. Me, on the other hand, I wanted to crawl under the table and hide like a scared cat.

  “It was an accident, let's move on from this. Angel, comp their meal,” Daniel said, not looking away from the men.

  “Sure thing, Danny, no problem.”

  “What about the mess she made of my clothes? Let me have her for a bit and she can come clean me up.” He waggled his brows at me.

  I gasped, affronted that he'd say such a vulgar thing. Especially to a total stranger. The men did this weird stare down thing and I was scared it was going to come to blows. I didn't want that. No, that was not the way to solve issues. Violence breeds violence. Finally after a few heated moments the men left. I sat with my face in my hands.

  “I'm sorry,” I said as I looked up at them all.

  “Ah, don't worry, Sug. That happens a lot. I'll be right out with your drinks. Unless y'all know whatcha want now?”

  I simply nodded giving her a small smile. The fellas knew what they wanted so we ordered our food. There was a lot of it, too. I leaned my elbows on the table as I looked out over the large dining area. It was a beautiful place. Rustic yet homey at the same time.



  I was beyond stuffed. I ate so much it should be oozing out of my pores. I looked at the stacks of dishes and grimaced. Good grief. I think I ate almost as much as each man at the table. You’d think I hadn’t been fed in a month. But dang, it was so good. I licked my lips again and sighed as I shifted in the booth.

  “Y’all need anythin’ else?” I glanced up at our waitress, Angel. “Dessert maybe? We have a killer strawberry cheesecake, a triple chocolate cake served vanilla ice cream and hot chocolate syrup drizzled on top, and -”

  “Please stop, you're killing me,” I groaned. The guys chuckled and I stuck my tongue out at them. Childish? Maybe, but it only served to make them laugh more.

  “We can fix it to go,” she said, grinning. I gave her what I hoped was a scathing look.

  “Angel is your name, right?” At her nod I sighed. “Must be true then, all angels can be evil buttholes.” The table erupted with laughter, even Angel laughed. I sighed and laid my head on the table.

  “So, cheesecake or chocolate cake, Sug?” she asked all chipper like.

  “Cheesecake, extra strawberries, to go please,” I said. I sat up and gave Daniel a look as he tugged me closer to him.

  “You're a bit grouchy when you're full. Wonder how you are hungry?” he asked, his brow quirking up.

  “Like a pitbull in need of a good steak,” I quipped, playfully snapping my teeth at him before poking his chest. His very broad, muscled chest. I glanced up into his eyes and was lost in his chocolate gaze. A throat cleared and I looked down, grinning as I played with my fingers.

  “I think we should do some walking, work down this food,” Thomas said.

  “Let's go back up front to the store. I want to see Angie again before we leave out,” Daniel said.

  I frowned and dropped my head as I remembered my sandals. I wiggled away from him, earning myself a look from him and Franklin, which I ignored. I leaned over and grabbed my shoes, pulled myself up and to my horror, whacked my head on the table hard enough to shake a plate lose. It clattered to the floor and I grumbled to myself as I rubbed the back of my head. They were never going to take me out in public again. I laid on the seat and banged my forehead against the worn leather. I was an idiot.

  “She alright?” A new voice asked and I cursed myself. Dumb butt. I was acting like a petulant child.

  “I'm fi-” I stopped when I sat up and saw it was the woman from earlier. I could see what Daniel saw in her. She was gorgeous. I bit my cheek to keep from saying something ugly. Green was not my color. Where was this coming from? I needed to get myself together. “I'm fine, really.”

  Daniel gave me a look and reached for my hand. I had the straps of my sandals curled into my fist. He frowned but said nothing. Both Franklin and Thomas were looking between Daniel and I.

  “Angie, this is Elayna, Elayna, this is Daniel’s sister Angie.” When Franklin spoke my heart took on a new beat at his words.

  “Sister?” I blurted. My eyes widened and I tried to control my shock. I hadn't thought of that. That's why he came here, his sister worked here. Duh. “Um, nice to meet you,” I said, softly.

  “Likewise, hun. Y’all going up to see Ma and Pa? I'm sure by now they're finished with Uncle Daryl and his nonsense ideas of expansion.”

  “Your parents work here too?” I squeaked out, shocked. A booming laugh came from behind us and I jumped before realizing it was Eugene.

  “No, sweetheart, our family owns the Old Saw Mill,” he said with a big smile across his face. When Angel came back she squeezed in between him and Angie.

  “Uncle and Auntie Helen are local heros for keeping this place and making it better each year.”

  “You're- holy Hannah. Does your entire family work here?” I asked Daniel. He grinned.

  “Pretty much,” he said.

  “Wow. This place is amazing. It’s so beautiful,” I said the last of my words with a dreamy sigh.

  “Well, look who's here. How'd ya know we were here Eugene?” Thomas asked, a cheeky grin pulling at his lips.

  “A little birdy told me.”

  Everyone looked between Angie and Angel, both who looked completely guilty.

  “Uh huh,” Daniel said. “Ma around still? We wanna show Layna around. If that's okay?”

  “She’s in the office. Most likely she's still cursing at Daryl,” Eugene said, chuckling.

  “She's a brat.” A new male voice came from behind Eugene. Angel turned and hugged the man and I smiled.

  “Daddy, be nice,” Angel scolded, a grin pulling at the corners of her mouth.

  “If your sister hears you say that, she’ll twist your ears off,” Eugene said. Daryl just laughed.

  “She heard and will kick his butt later. Where's Elayna?” Helen asked. When she pushed to the front of the group I gave her a big smile.

  “Here. Hi,” I said with a tiny wave.

  “Good Lord. Did you guys eat everything on the menu?” Helen asked, her eyes locked on the stacks and stacks of plates on the table top. I ducked my head and looked at no one. Daniel fidgeted as he spoke.

  “The bureau is paying so-”

  “You thought you'd eat the entire menu? My God. You boys are like food vacuums.”

  No one said anything - that I heard - but it was obvious someone had done something ‘cause Helen whispered an “oh” and I made a face.

  “Um, so here's your dessert Elayna. Extra strawberries and all.” I looked up at Angel and nodded.

  “Thank you. Just let me know how much I owe. If you'll excuse me… I need to visit the facilities,” I said, giving Daniel a look. He moved to let me out. He reached for my hand but I pulled away. I didn't wait to ask where the toilets were, I'd find them. I needed a minute to myself.

  I could feel the panic rolling up my spine. I was a guest here and I'd let my gluttonous side out. How stupid could I be? Ugh. Finally I stopped a woman in a brown and blue ap
ron and asked where the facilities were. A minute later I was locked in a stall, my face buried in my hands as I fought to keep the tears away. My heart was racing now. Panic was so easy to consume me since that day in the gas station.

  I needed air. I needed a wide open space, these walls were pulling me into the dark rabbit hole. Outside, that's what I needed. I left the stall, washed my hands and hurried across the front lobby - museum - whatever you'd like to call it and hit the door at a full run.

  Mistake number one was leaving the table. Mistake number two was not watching where I was going. Mistake number three was not knowing what to do when I slammed into a solid brick wall of a man. His hands gripped my biceps and with a squeak I looked up to see the man from earlier. Oh. God.

  “I-I’m sorry. Excuse me,” I said trying to move past him. He grunted something and another man, the one he’d been inside with came up to us.

  “Well, look whatcha caught, Spider. Ain't she a purdy one,” he drawled out, grinning at me as he gave my body a full glance. My skin crawled as I tried to pull away from the man he called Spider.

  “Please let me go!” I grit out between clenched teeth.

  “Oh, I like it when they beg, dontcha Skull?”

  “Yeah, long as they're on their knees.”

  Ugh. Disgusting. I pulled my arm free from Spider and rubbed my biceps. “Please move and let me pass. I don’t want trouble.” They didn't move, so I did. I stepped back and went around them. A hand clamped down on my arm and I turned to see Skull glaring at me.

  “Bitch, you ain't gonna go nowhere,” he spat.

  I don't know what came over me but I slapped his face. Such a putrid man he was. His grip tightened painfully on my arm. I whimpered as he gripped my face in his big calluses hand. It felt nothing like Daniel’s touch did.

  “Let. Me. Go!” I ground out between my lips, which were pressed together from his tight grip.

  “I think the lady said to let her go. I'd advise you to do so. Now!” Daniel’s voice sent a shiver through me. Panic hit me harder. These men were three shades of crazy. Daniel didn't need their kind of trouble. I got a glance at him, with Franklin and Thomas on either side of him. The expressions on their face… it made my gut twist.

  With a snarl from Spider I was unceremoniously shoved to the ground. I hit hard, my butt slamming into the concrete. I tried to keep my head from slamming against the ground as well, tucking into myself. I'd have a heavy dose of road rash on my arm where it hit, but I could deal with that. I frantically tried to get my bearings. I saw the men fighting and cried out for Daniel. He was going to get hurt and it was all my fault.

  In what seemed like seconds, both men were on the ground. Daniel, Thomas and Franklin didn't even seem to be breathing hard. I sobbed as Daniel moved to me. I was up in his arms before I could utter a word.

  “I called the cops. Get her to my office. Does she need an ambulance?” I heard Helen’s voice as the black dots filled my eyes. I fought them off and wiggled until Daniel had no choice but to set me on my feet. After a moment I had my senses about me again… and I ran.



  The minute Layna excused herself from the table I knew what she was thinking. She hates being dependent on anyone, especially now. I scrubbed my hands over my face and took in a few deep breaths - to keep from being as ass to my family. They didn’t- no they couldn’t know what she was feeling.

  “Is she okay?” Ma asked. I just gave her a look. I said nothing. If I did, I’d just piss everyone off.

  “I'll go keep an eye on her,” Franklin said as he stood. I nodded, letting out a frustrated sigh. I pulled my wallet out and handed Angel my credit card.

  “Your money is no good here, son,” Pa said, his hand resting on my shoulder. I shook my head.

  “Take it. Add the asshole’s meals to it and I'll sign. I need to go check on Layna.” I stood and pulled out a tip, slipping thirty bucks in Angel’s apron as she just stood there. “Do it, A, please.”

  She nodded and glumly walked away. Thomas and I moved past the group, only to be stopped by Ma, who stepped in front of us. “What's going on?” she asked, her hands on her hips.

  “Ma, don't worry. It's nothing,” I replied, leaning in to kiss her cheek. “We’ll see-” A loud whistle - one that I knew all too well - cut my words off.

  Thomas and I were both on the run in an instant. Something had happened, or was happening. I followed where I’d seen Franklin and the sight outside the doors made my heart stop, and my anger surged. We moved through the door and as I spoke I watched the man. His grimy hands were still on my girl. Uh, okay so, she wasn't mine, but nonetheless she was mine to protect.

  “Let. Me. Go!” At her words I ground my teeth together. I watched in a haze of anger as he pulled her closer to him. Her pleading and then demanding to be released sent my dark side on the edge. I'd done many things in my life, including killing men with my bare hands. I had no trouble adding another one to the list.

  “I think the lady said to let her go. I'd advise you to do so. Now!” I snarled out.

  The look of recognition sparked in his eyes and he threw Elayna to the ground. He. Threw. Her. Down. My rage bubbled over and as he attacked, I moved to block a punch to the face. My hand shot out to grab his neck as I punched with the other. He grunted, and used my momentum to get a hit to my ribs. I wanted his blood. He had touched my girl.

  “The bitch is mine,” he snarled through blood stained teeth. I snarled as I grabbed him. I struck him hard. I punched him in the throat, solar plexus and ended with a knee to his ugly face. He was out before he hit the ground. I rushed to Layna as the second man hit the ground. I scooped her up and tried to tamp down the rage boiling inside of me. She had been hurt - on my watch. This couldn't happen. It wouldn't happen again.

  Mom and Dad had come out and said they’d called the police. Okay. I was going to take her inside, but she’d managed to wiggle so much that I had to sit her on her feet or drop her. I'd caused her enough pain today, I wasn’t about to drop her. Before I could ask her if she was okay, she took off running, her sandals clicking all the way across the parking lot. The flat souls slapped against the ground as I gave chase. No way in hell I was letting her get away from me. I yelled for the others to stay put. Franklin had seen it all anyway, he had to talk to the cops.

  As Layna ran, she managed to put more distance between us.

  I was fast, don't get me wrong, but she was like a scared jackrabbit running from a starving bear. She ran across the road, barely missing an oncoming car. My heart took a leap as she ran into the wooded area a block down the road. The park. She was in the park. I took a shortcut through the bushes and ran towards her. It took all of my concentration to grab her mid run and not lose balance. I don’t think she would have appreciated being slammed into the ground. I knew I wouldn’t. I took a few more steps, my breathing fast, my heart racing from the chase.

  She didn't fight me, she shifted and curled into me as a sob wracked through her. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her to me. I could feel her tears soaking my t-shirt - which served to make my anger at myself rise. I'd been so stupid to let her out of my sight. Thankfully this area of the park wasn't busy so no one would see her breaking down. I lifted her up and carried her to the old bench behind the water fountain, so we’d have some privacy and sat down.

  “Hey, I’ve got you. I’m sorry. I'm so sorry I let you get hurt. I was-”

  “Shut up!” she snapped. I sat back, my eyes meeting hers as she looked up into mine. “It wasn’t your-”

  “It was!” I growled out.

  “It was not! It was mine. God, I was so stupid,” she said, covering her face with her hands. I pulled her hands away and pinched her chin between my thumb and forefinger, forcing her to look at me.

  “It was not your fault,” I said, all but glaring at her. She shoved me. My back was already back against the bench so I went no where. She huffed and shifted on my lap. My eyes shifted to her lips
as she glared at me.

  “It was so! I say so!”

  “You're being unreasonable,” I said, softly. I was picturing her on my lap for other reasons, possibly naked. I had to shift, hoping she didn't feel what my dirty thoughts were doing to me.

  She shifted her ass again and I lost control of my brain momentarily. I groaned as she ground against me. I gripped her hips, her breathing increased and I swear, her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. Her mouth moved to mine and as my lips met hers, I knew I was a goner.

  “Daniel,” she whimpered my name as I ran my hand into her long curls and tugged her head back slightly.

  My mouth let a trail of kisses along her jaw, neck and across her collarbone. With little effort she shifted so she was straddling my lap. What was happening? She shifted her hips and pressed her hot center against my rock hard erection. The friction she was causing was a delicious feeling.

  “Please,” she whispered as I bit at the soft skin at the juncture of her throat.

  I knew what she wanted - what she needed. I couldn't do that - not here - but I could give her a taste. My hands tugged her top up slightly and I slid one hand into the waistband of her shorts and then into her panties. Her hips lifted slightly as I found her sex. She was wet for me already. My fingers slid between her slick folds and I reveled in the feeling of her juices on my fingers. I teased her, my fingers sliding inside her as I bent my hand more and rubbed against her tight bundle of nerves. She gasped as the hands she had on my shoulders tightened. Her nails bit into my skin, through the shirt.

  Oh, how I wanted to lay her on the ground and fuck her until she came apart, but I couldn’t. Not here, not now, but soon.

  “You're so beautiful,” I whispered against her neck. She had goosebumps running along her skin.